In any country, even the most developed, there are people whose income is significantly lower than the income of their compatriots Often, the level of earnings depends little on the level of education or social status of the family into which this person was born However, if in a developed country an ordinary citizen has a chance to escape from a difficult financial situation, then a completely different situation is observed in the countries of the “third world” In such states, most residents are forced to survive on a monthly income that would seem paradoxically low for residents of more prosperous countries To correct this injustice, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty was established
Unlike other international holidays, this one is not due to a decision in international or national “supreme” circles, but to the initiative of ordinary people It was ordinary citizens of various countries who gathered at Trocadéro Square on October 17, 1987 in Paris (France) More than 100,000 people signed a letter to national governments declaring that prohibitively low incomes violated the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Therefore, maximum efforts must be made to respect these rights and the overall fight against poverty The appeal adopted at the historically important meeting was immortalized not only on a memorial stone installed in this square, but also on similar structures in other countries around the world, including on the territory of international organizations
By adopting resolution A/RES/47/196 on 22 December 1992, the General Assembly designated 17 October as the annual International Day for the Eradication of Poverty In its appeal to national leaders and governments, the organization called for the implementation of specific measures that not only contributed to the elimination of poverty and poverty, but also took into account the national, economic and other specific characteristics of each state Also in this appeal there is a call to all non-governmental and intergovernmental institutions, as well as ordinary people who could help in solving this important task In addition, this message contained a request to all UN Secretaries-General to use all the opportunities provided to them to ensure the success of this most important day for society
October 17 is a day during which not only numerous events are held, and the propaganda campaign in which people are reminded of the hardships and disasters of people living below the poverty level reaches its climax, but also a day distinguished by various promotions in the form of concerts and auctions and other public events On Poverty Eradication Day, it is also a reminder to those who survive the daily struggle for food that it is up to them how soon there will be no more poor people left on our planet On this day, from many stages one can hear the speeches of those who were able to escape from the shackles of poverty, in which they share their knowledge, experience and actions, which both allowed them to climb the social ladder and are capable of helping to eradicate poverty on Earth
Only intensified efforts of all inhabitants of the planet without exception in the fight against poverty will make it possible to build a sustainable and prosperous future for every person, regardless of his place and time of birth Only the possibility of attracting people into public life who are currently living below the poverty line will become a new stage in the development of human society