In 2007, the UN approved a resolution establishing a special Democracy Day September 15 was chosen as the holiday date in memory of the 20th anniversary of the International Conference of New and Restored Democracies
The UN's plan involves directing public attention to democratic trends in the modern world, because the number of functioning democracies today is the highest in world history The power structures of more than half of existing states are chosen by the people Moreover, the government of developed countries is considered legitimate only after popular recognition
Democracy has changed along with human history It originated in Ancient Greece, where it had a slaveholding basis As is known, only male citizens of the policy had rights Individual city-republics of Renaissance Italy flourished thanks to a democratic system In Rus', Novgorod was such a special city for a long time, where it was the city council that decided the most important issues Some elements of democracy were adopted by states with a one-man form of government, for example, the elective monarchy of the Holy Roman Empire or the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth The first signs of the impending power of the demos were the revolutionary events of France at the end of the 18th century and the struggle for the independence of the American states The entire 19th century was spent in battles for the recognition of equal rights for all members of society, regardless of status, gender or skin color
In the second half of the 20th century, the democratic structure of the state gradually became the norm for all developed countries But to this day, this form of government has problems that are extremely difficult to eradicate These include:
In modern Russia, the democratic euphoria of the 90s ended in sobering, with an eye to the territorial scale and mentality of Russian-speaking citizens Russians support such democratic values as: freedom of speech, media More than half of the population believes that Russia needs democracy, but under the firm control of government agencies
Modern democracy is experiencing new difficulties, but is not going to give up its positions On September 15, there is an opportunity to share experiences and innovations to further improve the ideals of democracy