A peaceful life, so familiar to the majority of the population of our planet, is an unattainable dream for many earthlings If we calmly go to work or go on vacation, and our children visit various institutions or walk on the streets, then too many other people do not know whether they and their families will meet tomorrow's dawn That is why the United Nations decided to set one day when not a single shot would be fired and not a single man, woman or child would be killed or wounded throughout the world
The International Day of Peace owes its existence to resolution 36/07, which was adopted at the UN General Assembly in 1981 Initially, it was decided to celebrate this international holiday every third Tuesday in September, when the session of the UN General Assembly opened
At the 55th session of the UN General Assembly held in 2001, a decision was made to change the day of celebration of this celebration Special resolution No A/RES/55/282, voted by a majority of votes, approved: starting from 2002, the ceremony to celebrate the International Day of Peace will be held on September 21
The International Day of Peace begins its “procession” across our planet with a solemn speech by the UN Secretary-General, which is delivered in the “Garden of Peace” at the organization’s headquarters In his message, addressed not only to the governments of UN member states, but also to ordinary citizens, the UN Secretary General draws attention to the fragility of peace on our planet and the need to make every effort to ensure that all weapons on Earth stop firing forever
After the end of the address of the UN Secretary-General, delegates from all countries observed a minute of silence in memory of all those who died in the numerous military conflicts that have not subsided in the 20th and 21st centuries In memory of the victims, the Peace Bell sounds, which is located at the headquarters of the organization (New York, USA) After he falls silent, the floor is passed to the Chairman of the UN Security Council
But the organization and implementation of the International Day of Peace is concerned not only with this recognized international organization, but also with dozens of “local” communities that unite millions of ordinary people from different countries These communities see their goal as both a reminder of the need to maintain peace on the planet, and the adoption and implementation of various decisions and programs designed to strengthen peace and end all military conflicts These regional organizations not only hold a variety of events (demonstrations, symposiums, conferences, exhibitions, etc), but also increasingly influence the policies of national governments
Every year, at the opening UN Assembly, a decision is made under which slogan the year will pass until the next celebration of Peace Day The theme of conducting and directing the maximum efforts of this international organization is the most pressing problems and challenges of the realities of today The right of peoples to peace, youth for peace and development, disarmament and non-proliferation, education in the spirit of peace, these and other mottos under which peace days passed in various years made it possible, if not to solve, then to significantly smooth out the problems that arose
This holiday is designed to ensure that international terrorism, military conflicts, xenophobia, environmental degradation, social inequality and other problems migrate from news releases to the pages of history textbooks