October 27 is International Teddy Bear Day The history of the holiday is quite unusual - it is a little connected with politics In 1902, Theodore Roosevelt, President of the United States, took pity on a little bear cub while hunting This situation gave rise to many cartoons in newspapers, one of which was seen by the wife of Morris Michtom, the owner of a children's toy store An article in the newspaper and a humorous cartoon inspired her to sew a teddy bear similar to the image from the newspaper cartoon
They decided to put the toy on the store window so that it would attract customers A “Teddy Bear” sign was placed next to the new craft The unusual bear cub attracted the attention of passers-by and became the subject of jokes and discussions All this gave the store good advertising, so revenue began to increase
Such popularity of the Teddy bear prompted the production of toys of different sizes, which began to be actively in demand Crafts were given to children and beloved girls; the toy bear became a universal souvenir The bear began to be performed in different variations, and at the same time collectors appeared who tried to collect as many different Teddy bears as possible
The first toy overseas bear cubs began to appear in Russia in 1908 At first they were quite expensive, so not every family could afford to purchase such entertainment for a child But the American bear cub, in a humorous and slightly childish performance, did not immediately appeal to the Russian people
In Russian folklore, the bear has always been considered, although kind, but at the same time a wild, rude and brutal animal, capable of calming anyone with one wave of its paw Therefore, it was decided to slightly adjust the sleek overseas toy to the needs of the domestic consumer The Zagorsk Toy Institute was given a rather unusual task - to adapt the American bear to the mentality of the Russian person
The war and the harsh post-war period slowed down the execution of the order, so the mass production of Soviet teddy bears began only in the 50s The toys were made of brown or black plush, with cotton wool or sawdust inside This stern image of the bear embodied the military power of the Soviet Union