International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day is celebrated on September 29, thanks to an official decree proclaimed by the UN The purpose of the holiday is to encourage people to take action to avoid food losses and consume food wisely The reason is this: residents of many countries still cannot afford to eat properly, and at the same time, poverty rates in their places of residence continue to rise
According to recent research, 700 million people in the world do not meet the basic needs of adequate nutrition This situation is complicated by the economic crisis that many developing countries are going through today Therefore, one of the priorities stated in the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 is the eradication of hunger on the planet Will it be possible to achieve this?
Governments of all countries of the world and international organizations intend to take urgent measures to ensure that the problem of hunger does not grow to apocalyptic proportions Some of these measures have already been developed by the Food and Agriculture UN Among them it is worth noting the following:
1 Cover the nutritional needs of residents of the neediest countries whose poverty rates exceed norms
2 Support global food trade and food exports
3 Pay attention to social protection programs for the poor, large families, etc
4 Encourage small farmers and agriculturists to continue to contribute to food production
In addition, the UN's Global Humanitarian Response Plan is seeking mechanisms to protect the world's poorest people so that the global economic crisis does not end food production in developing countries and lead to the death of their citizens from starvation
To mark this important day for the planet, talk to younger family members about the need to take care of the food they eat Teach them about the problems of hunger in the world and ask them to handle food wisely so that as adults they do not throw away packages without opening them In addition, many of us still need to learn to buy only the necessary products and have time to consume them before as they become unusable and are thrown into a food waste container
Despite the fact that today the UN and the governments of individual countries are doing everything possible to mitigate the impact of the crisis on the well-being of the population, factors such as epidemics and other global troubles can interfere with the favorable development of events and increase hunger on the planet
All people on earth must learn to do the following:
• Buy only regional products • Buy only the essentials • Properly dispose of purchased products placed in the refrigerator and pantry • Prepare only the amount of food that will be eaten • Stop buying food in reserve • Plant your own vegetables and fruits • Share your harvest with other residents of the locality
Together we will definitely be able to make sure that the situation with hunger on the planet improves, because it is not for nothing that we live in the twenty-first century and know how important the environment on Earth is It depends only on us what its future will be and whether we will continue to be given the opportunity to inhabit this beautiful planet and live in comfort and prosperity