Using a red umbrella as its symbol, one of the international organizations, namely the Sex Workers' Rights Network (SWAN), proposed establishing a day to protect and end abuse of representatives of the sex industry This is how the International Day to Protect Sex Workers from Violence and Cruelty was born Every year, an increasing number of activists and caring people join those who celebrate the international holiday
Literally, the day celebrated on December 17 is called the International Day to End Violence against Sex Workers Initially, the date of December 17 was proposed by American porn actress Annie Sprinkle, who was supported by representatives of an outreach project cooperating with sex workers (Sex Workers Outreach Project USA) It was thought that this would be a day of remembrance for the victims of the American maniac Gary Ridgway, or, as he was nicknamed, the killer from Green River Street in Seattle The maniac chose street prostitutes and drug addicts from the nearest area as victims Over time, Memorial Day became international and took on new forms
The first global congress of workers in the sex industry, held in June 2001 in Venice, which was celebrating its anniversary, brought together representatives not only from the United States, but also from other countries Delegates identified common problems that arise in their work, often associated with a direct risk to life In an attempt to draw attention to these issues, sex workers marched together through the streets of Venice The representatives held red umbrellas in their hands - a symbol of beauty, resistance and protest Subsequently, such marches became a tradition and are now called the “March of the Red Umbrellas” Since 2005, under the auspices of the International Committee for Sex Workers' Rights, nothing less than a red umbrella has served as a specific symbol of resistance to violations of the rights of sex workers
Every year this event is celebrated not only for workers in the intimate sphere, but also for their relatives, friends and lawyers The idea of the holiday is to combat the indifference of society towards the problems of women who make a living from prostitution Porn actresses and prostitutes face hatred, violence and mistreatment not only from clients and pimps, but also from government officials and the so-called “krysha” on behalf of law enforcement agencies Every year on December 17, concerned audiences unite in increasingly numerous red umbrella marches