November 18 is Mickey Mouse Day, which is traditionally celebrated in many countries This cartoon creature is called by many “the symbol of Hollywood” The day was not chosen by chance On this day in 1928, a cartoon was first released, telling the story of the life of a cute little mouse Therefore, it was customary to celebrate Mickey Mouse's birthday on November 18th And remember Walt Disney, its creator Over the years, he not only created various stories, wrote scripts, but also voiced his hero Since then, the tradition of voicing Mickey Mouse in a thin and high-pitched voice has arisen, which is so loved by children and adults
If you look at the history of this character, you can see that many scripts have been written for him So, Mickey Mouse even managed to be a soldier, participating in barnyard wars between cats and mice It is noteworthy that often such mini-sketches had a hidden political context For example, in the series where Mickey Mouse appears as a soldier, the insignia of the military uniforms of different armies around the world is clearly visible For example, the main troublemakers in the barnyard, cats, were dressed in uniforms reminiscent of German soldiers
For such politicization, cartoons with the participation of a mouse were subjected to quite serious criticism, which subsequently forced the creators to reconsider their approach Stories featuring Mickey Mouse became more neutral, not politicized, and were purely entertaining for children One way or another, the popularity of this drawn hero became enormous, although the path to fame was thorny It is known that at various times cartoons featuring Mickey Mouse were banned in Germany, Italy, and Romania Of course, this was also connected with political motives For example, in the GDR, Mickey was associated with the imperialist States
Today, times have changed dramatically, and the mouse even has his own Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, which will speak volumes about his recognition Meanwhile, the Disney studio, having exclusive rights to this image, is quite strict in ensuring that copyrights are not violated This also speaks of the wild popularity of the cartoon character
On this day, November 18, it is customary to watch old and new stories that appear on screens with enviable consistency Entertainment centers mark this day with a wide range of events One way or another, all this is aimed at popularizing Mickey Mouse In the stories written for him, the mouse managed not only to go to war, but also to become a musician, visit the jungles of Africa, get a girlfriend, go on a long voyage on a ship, be a builder, a fireman, and, of course, get into hundreds of scrapes
Products with the image of Mickey Mouse are also traditionally popular: various books, comics, dolls, souvenirs, toys, even interior and design elements Perhaps Mickey Mouse can be a worthy competitor to another Hollywood star, Marilyn Monroe, whose image is also used in numerous souvenirs and posters
November 18 can be called a children's holiday In some countries, mainly in North America, the broadcast schedule is changing, and animated films created by the Disney studio are being actively broadcast Including retro films, quite rare films that are not so easy to see on ordinary days For example, in the 20s and 30s of the last century, many cartoons and short films with Mickey Mouse were created, which today are considered very rare This is the golden heritage of Hollywood, so on November 18 it is customary to talk about the history of the Disney studio itself and the very interesting and eventful fate of its founder Walt Disney