The celebration of Mother's Day can be traced back to the ancient Greek tradition, when magnificent feasts were held in honor of the mother goddess Rhea and Cybele On the fourth Sunday of Lent, Christians honored the memory of Mary, the mother of Christ, and a little later, in England they began to honor all mothers on the day of “Mothering Sunday”
In the USA, the holiday received official status in 1914, and over time, Mother's Day was recognized throughout the world It is celebrated in more than 46 countries, and although the celebrations have different dates, the meaning of the holiday is the same - to pay tribute to respect and love to all mothers
On November 30, 1988, a simple Russian school teacher from Baku celebrated Mother’s Day for children and proposed organizing such a day every year This wonderful initiative was taken up by teachers in many schools in the USSR In 1998, the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs proposed to establish Mother’s Day in order to strengthen family relationships, remember good old customs, instill respect and attentiveness to parents, and President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree on celebrating Mother’s Day in Russia every last year Sunday in November
This holiday preserves the best Russian values in relation to motherhood and brings good ideas of responsiveness, morality, philanthropy, reverence and raising the status of a woman-mother to different strata of society The holiday still has few traditions of its own, and only a few celebrate it with their families But every year its importance increases, because it is a very bright day Russian mothers have always been famous for their selfless love, patience, openness of soul and fidelity And today, they are the guardians of the family hearth, bearers of goodness, understanding and morality This is a wonderful day to express your love and appreciation to the dearest woman in everyone's life
In our country, for several years now, there has been a campaign called “Mom, I love you!” In many cities they give holiday concerts, organize various events, competitions, meetings with large families, awards for decent upbringing and for special contributions to regional family policy Warm congratulations are heard on radio and television
The symbol of Mother's Day in Russia is the forget-me-not A charming, small flower symbolizes constancy, devotion, tenderness and selfless love - all that nature has so generously endowed the mother’s heart with