The idea of repentance and humility of sinners lies at the heart of the Christian parable of the Prodigal Son This biblical legend from the Gospel of Luke, together with prayers from the Lenten Triodion, is read at the liturgy on the second Sunday of the month of preparation for Lent Believers turn to God with prayers for forgiveness of sinful acts committed The week (translated from Church Slavonic as “resurrection”) about the prodigal son is an Orthodox celebration that glorifies the mercy and wisdom of the father, and calls for the generosity and forgiveness of the elder brother of the younger one
The holiday appeared at the dawn of Christianity The Week of the Prodigal Son is mentioned by ministers of the Orthodox Church and chroniclers of the 4th-5th centuries John Chrysostom has a work devoted to the interpretation of the famous parable of Jesus Asterius of Amasia also reflected on the meaning of the celebration of the Week of the Prodigal Son, and Joseph Studios wrote in the 8th century canon, which is performed on Sunday during worship
The parable inspired painters to paint icons, and artists to paint canvases: Palma Giovane and Hieronymus Bosch in the 16th century, in the 17th century - Rembrandt, Gerrit van Honthorst, Francesco Guercino and Bartolomeo Murillo, in the 19th century - Pierre Puvis de Chavannes The painters' particular attention was drawn to the scene of the prodigal son's repentance upon returning home and his forgiveness of his father The Church, in its interpretation of the parable, draws attention to the fact that mercy will always be shown to a humble and repentant person, and never to an arrogant, selfish and proud sinner The scene of the meeting of father and son in the paintings of artists, the poses and facial expressions of the characters are an example of the manifestation of wisdom and philanthropy
The week of the Prodigal Son symbolizes the love and unshakable faith of Christ in everyone who accepted him with their hearts During temple services in honor of the holiday, priests emphasize that the path to God always lies through repentance and recognition of the sacrifice of Jesus This holiday is followed by a Week of speculation about the Last Judgment, where sinners and dissolute children will end up To prevent this from happening, the believer should sincerely repent during the second Sunday of the month of preparation for Lent
In the parable, the image of the eldest son also plays an important role, acting as the apotheosis of all the righteous, who are not given the opportunity to understand the repentance of sinners But Jesus Christ calls to show mercy and give a chance for forgiveness to everyone who has gone astray The eldest son in his sermon is likened to the Pharisees - pompous and self-righteous believers who regularly go to the temple and pray fervently, but at the same time remain hard-hearted people with souls not filled with grace and love
The week of the Prodigal Son and the understanding of the parable told by Jesus touches on serious philosophical questions of existence Humility, forgiveness, love for one's neighbor and patience open the doors to heaven to all true believers It is no coincidence that the Week of the Prodigal Son is the prelude of Lent - a time for a person to reassess his life values and himself Personification with the image of the prodigal son helps to advance believers on the path of spiritual perfection and unity with God