Representatives of radical feminism oppose gender roles and the rules associated with them that are imposed by society on the fairer sex Some of the symbols of women's oppression include heels of shoes, thongs and such an element of underwear as a bra October 13th is No Bra Day, a holiday that encourages women to throw off the shackles of tight clothing, take a deep breath and pay attention to the problem of breast cancer
Not only feminists, but also some mammologists and specialists in other branches of medicine believe that a bra does not affect the shape of the breast A woman’s mammary glands lose shape not due to irregular wearing of a bra, but due to genetic predisposition and the elasticity of the connective tissue The ligamentous apparatus of the pectoral muscles is trained and strengthened without a bra Moreover, wearing this piece of clothing is often associated with the development of mastopathy Therefore, feminists believe, a bra, like daily makeup, should be considered a relic of the past - a time when women wanted to please men without taking into account their own interests and personal comfort
No Bra Day is celebrated with a number of events that raise awareness of breast cancer Early diagnosis of the disease makes it possible to prevent its development, which means preserving a woman’s health and life The symbol of the celebration was a pink ribbon On October 13, free consultations and examinations are held at oncology clinics and mammology centers On this day, public buildings in various countries around the world are illuminated pink In honor of No Bra Day, it is also customary to actively disseminate information about malignant breast diseases and publish thematic photos with hashtags on social networks
Muslim organizations in the United States, as a sign of support and solidarity with the feminist movement, hold Pink Hijab Day at the end of October Somewhat later, on October 15, Breast Health Day is celebrated at the initiative of WHO This celebration, like No Bra Day, encourages women over the age of 40, ie those who are at risk should not delay visiting a mammologist to diagnose the disease in the early stages
Bra Refusal Day has been celebrated since 2011 In honor of the holiday, the bravest representatives of the fair sex post online photos of themselves without underwear, which, according to feminists, constricts their breasts Other women are studying and spreading awareness about breast cancer, its causes and consequences Despite its apparent simplicity and frivolity, No Bra Day is far from a funny holiday He draws attention to the problem of diagnosing and treating such a serious pathology as breast cancer