August 21 is the Day Without Cosmetics and Makeup Modern beauty standards and trends in the beauty industry literally force women to use make-up every day to visually correct their appearance Without decorative products, representatives of the fairer sex feel insecure, forgetting that there is nothing more natural and better than natural beauty given by nature No Makeup Day encourages you to give up decorative cosmetics, at least for a short period of time, and become an example to other women by posting your pictures online without makeup or filters
Recently, the movement for the natural beauty of the female body has been gaining momentum Clothes and accessories are now advertised not only by slender beauties, but also by plump plus-size models Representatives of the fair sex are campaigning for the destruction of stereotypes of attractiveness and freedom of expression in various ways Ordinary women and Hollywood stars (Madonna, Julia Roberts, Rihanna and others) demonstrate unshaven armpits and legs, advocating the natural hairiness of these and other parts of the body - body hair positivity
Kim Kardashian, with countless plastic surgeries and trips to the gym in full war paint, is “yesterday” from the standpoint of feminists and others Thanks to the achievements of science and technology, glossy photographs of a face without pores and wrinkles will no longer surprise anyone It is much more difficult to love yourself for who you are, rather than trying to live up to imposed standards
It is quite difficult for modern women to understand Sharon Stone of the late 90s The actress, while married to media mogul Phil Bronstein, got up in the morning 30 minutes before her husband in order to have time to do her makeup before her husband woke up 20 years later, Sharon Stone realized how wrong she was for concentrating so much on her appearance instead of emphasizing the beauty of her inner world Today, the actress proudly shows off wrinkles and bags under her eyes, posting home photos without makeup for her fans
Day without cosmetics calls not only to give up make-up and facial skin care products for a day Actresses and other media personalities believe that women of all countries should not be afraid to show themselves every day in all their natural beauty - in the morning immediately after waking up, after finishing yoga or Pilates classes So, on August 21 and throughout the year, Drew Barrymore posts pictures on social networks without makeup or Photoshop The example of the actress is followed by her friends - Gwyneth Paltrow, Cameron Diaz and Nicole Richie
The sparkle in the eyes and slight redness of the face when embarrassed cannot be replaced by any beauty product Concealer and powder give confidence only for a short period of time, but love and acceptance of yourself with any shortcomings fills you with harmony and confidence in your own irresistibility for life This important observation is the philosophical basis of the holiday - Day Without Cosmetics and Makeup, which is celebrated annually on August 21