Violent and rebellious natural elements have aroused interest, admiration and mystical fear among people throughout the history of humankind Thus, boreas, the formidable northern wind, was deified by the ancient Greeks and Romans Before the journey, the sailors made sacrifices to him on the altar, asking him not to send storms and storms The son of the titan Astraeus and the goddess Eos was approached by sorcerers during magical rituals as a representative of higher powers Myths, poems, songs and even holidays are dedicated to Boreas October 16th is Northern Wind Day
Nature, as you know, has no bad weather Cold and gusty, piercing wind is a faithful companion of winter, one of many people’s favorite seasons Boreas is the “friend” of polar bears and the king of the Arctic desert Few people know that the ancient name of the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug “Ugra” or “Yugoria” is translated as “Country of the North Wind” This is also often called Greenland, whose population has adapted to the harsh living conditions above the Arctic Circle
Cold air masses form at the North Pole, pass through mountain ranges and fall onto the land of continents and the surface of the seas, causing strong disturbances in the water surface Borea is called differently in each region Sarma - on Lake Baikal, biza - in the mountainous regions of Switzerland and France Gusts of air arising from changes in atmospheric pressure and heading towards Japan from the polar regions of Asia are called “nagai” in the Land of the Rising Sun The cold wind, which from Canada through the USA and Mexico reaches the north of South America, is called norther, or norther (in translation from English norther - “north”)
For the population of these and other areas of the globe, boreas is an integral part of nature and weather conditions In the myths of the peoples of the Far North, for example among the Komi, the north wind is called Voipel The home of the stern god of blizzards and wind is located on the top of the mountain Voipel does not like shouting - according to legend, you cannot make noise while hunting, otherwise you will turn into stone or be covered in snow
According to the mythology of the Finno-Ugrians, Louis-vot-oika, blowing from the north in both winter and summer since ancient times, caused mass deaths of people Therefore, the wind was challenged to a duel, in which it was defeated by a brave hunter who shot the elements in the jaw After the wound healed, Louis-vot-oyka could no longer blow at full strength, and the peoples of Western Siberia lived well and happily
Borey is mentioned in the odes of Lomonosov, poems by Zhukovsky and Pushkin His romantic image is glorified by modern musicians - the Aquarium group:
The funny North Wind Day has unusual celebration traditions that are designed to appease the elements or help establish contact with it On October 16, bores are greeted with bells and ribbons tied to tree branches, and they try to catch them using traps, placing them near open windows In honor of the northern wind, ballads are composed, songs and spells are sung, and shamanic rituals are performed that demonstrate respect for the elements and pay tribute to the forces of nature