There are probably very few people on earth who do not drink tea This is a tasty, tonic, healthy drink that will definitely have a place on the table during breakfast, lunch or dinner Drinking tea in itself is a source of relaxation and good emotions The real tea fans are the British Efficiency and pedantry are fixed at the genetic level Nevertheless, an Englishman will always find time to tastefully drink a cup of fragrant, properly brewed drink
There are a huge number of varieties of tea It will take more than one year to thoroughly study the tea business, to know all its nuances and subtleties Tea production is a painstaking, labor-intensive work, akin to art and science November 17 - Day of Discovering New Tea - is dedicated to people who would not only like to discover new tastes and properties of this drink, but are also open to learning everything unknown Getting to know new tea varieties is useful information It is quite possible that you will be lucky to find a type of drink that will remain “love”, if not forever, then for a long time
The purpose of the holiday is to popularize the drink throughout the world, increasing people's awareness of its exceptional taste and beneficial properties You may want to try a higher quality product than what you drink daily
Tea is an Asian drink However, many people call him Russian The reason is that tea parties in Russia were extremely popular Let's turn to the Russian classics This is how A S Pushkin deliciously describes the tea traditions in the Larin family (“Eugene Onegin”):
NV Gogol in the famous “Overcoat” noted that Akaki Akakievich, wanting to save money for a new overcoat, refused daily tea Considering the popularity of this drink in cold and damp St Petersburg, one can appreciate what sacrifices the official made Drinking tea with inexpensive crackers was one of the few joys of his life
F M Dostoevsky was known not only as a lover, but also as a connoisseur of the fragrant invigorating drink It is not surprising that tea appears in many of his works, such as The Brothers Karamazov, Crime and Punishment The heroes of the works of LN Tolstoy and AP Chekhov often spend time over a cup of tea
Tea traditions are reflected in painting Petrov-Vodkin, Kustodiev, Perov are just a small part of the extensive list of artists who captured this process on canvas Russian tea parties, judging by these works, are not inferior in color to the world-famous Japanese ceremony
1 The recipe for making tea dates back to 2700 BC Out of curiosity, the Chinese emperor tried an infusion of tea tree leaves under which he was resting He liked the new taste By the way, the tree is called Chinese camellia Indians dispute this fact, considering the Hindustan Peninsula to be the birthplace of the ancient drink Maybe they are right, who knows
2 The total number of varieties of tea in the world is at least 1500 These are only drinks made from tea leaves Various herbal infusions are not taken into account
3 The tester profession is the most sought after and respected in tea production The master is required to have a well-developed taste, vision and smell Thanks to the tester, it is possible to sort the sheet, select compositions with various aromas, and reject substandard raw materials
4 The raw material for black, white or green tea is the leaf of a plant called Camellia Sinensis The difference is only in the method of processing and fermentation of the leaf The specific climate in which the bush is grown also matters Thus, the elite variety of Assam tea is grown in the foothills of the Himalayas By the way, the tea that is commonly called “black” in post-Soviet countries is called “red” in China because of its noble burgundy hue
The British did not immediately appreciate the drink The leaf was added to alcoholic drinks and used to make grog Only much later was it able to be appreciated as a self-sufficient drink The appearance of specialized tea shops in England dates back to the 18th century