On the eve of winter, each autumn day becomes shorter than the previous one, and the night becomes longer For some people, evening twilight evokes melancholy and makes them think about the meaning of existence, while others are pushed to think about esoteric topics Mysticism awaits us everywhere: in real life and prophetic dreams, in the form of omens and coincidences that come true, which, upon closer examination, turn out to be non-random In the evening we relax and unwind after busy everyday life, immerse ourselves in the world of our thoughts, and make plans for the coming day At this mysterious time of day, when the line between reality and fiction becomes thinner, amazing things happen
At dusk, before the black darkness covers the earth, empaths, esotericists and other sensitive people communicate with representatives of the etheric plane These could be the Lords of Karma, a guardian angel, restless souls stuck in the interworld, ghosts and ghosts, brownies and banniki To contact them and get answers to questions posed, meditation, telepathy, clairvoyance, fortune telling using Tarot cards and other magical tools are used In honor of conversations with one of the representatives of the subtle plane, a holiday was even established November 14th is the Day of Communion with the Spirit of the Evening
The ancient Slavs believed that in the world, in addition to people and other physical objects, there live infernal entities Next to people in another dimension there are brownies, mermaids, goblins, spirits of mountains and water, kikimoras, devils, demons and other undead Evil spirits are active on Christmastide, Walpurgis Night and Midsummer During the day there is also a time favorable for the entities of the lower astral plane with whom witches and sorcerers work Therefore, from 12 to 3 am, at the “hour of the devil”, until the third rooster, various paranormal phenomena are observed
Good spirits living side by side with humans help protect against the attacks of the black undead It was believed that a brownie, if they are not angry with him for petty pranks, communicate with respect and treat him with goodies, will always come to the aid of the owner of the hut and family members He will look after animals and small children, protecting them from troubles, wake up adults during a nightmare, and give a signal about the start of a fire or flood
Our ancestors were convinced that, in a critical situation, the doma (the brownie’s wife), the lover (the guardian of the marriage bed), the baker (the spirit of the hearth and warmth), and the cager living in the pantry would also come to the aid of the owner of the home in a critical situation However, a person is able to establish contact with other representatives of the subtle world One of them is the spirit of the evening, the ideal time to communicate with which is November 14th