The professional holiday is celebrated on October 3 by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation serving in the special unit of the Russian Guard OMON
On October 3, 1988, the first OMON groups were organized in 14 regions of the RSFSR and 3 republics that were part of the former USSR (Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus) By the end of the twentieth century, there were units in all regions of Russia
Special forces officers are highly qualified fighters whose impeccable training is beyond doubt Their priority is to resolve conflicts in conditions that pose a threat to human life
Special forces soldiers are distinguished by good health, a high level of military training, strong moral principles, courage and dedication Riot police officers know how to make decisions in extreme conditions; the most ordinary working day of a soldier consists of a series of emergency situations
When the police cannot cope with the scale, special forces come to the rescue Capturing and eliminating terrorists and especially dangerous criminals, supporting traffic police posts, ensuring order during public events: football matches, rallies, concerts - riot police are present everywhere Security and law enforcement in “hot spots” are also the prerogative of special forces
Riot policemen are always one step ahead: they are better armed, their military and physical training surpasses all other units The riot police's arsenal, in addition to the standard AK-74U and AK-74M assault rifles, includes sniper rifles and armored personnel carriers
Men from 20 to 32 years old who have served in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces can join the ranks of special forces soldiers A medical commission is required, which includes a number of psychological tests; in addition, physical fitness standards are required
Those who successfully pass the first tests are sent to a special unit for 4 months, where they study the weapons used in riot police, delve into legal training and learn the secrets of close combat Particular attention is paid to clearing buildings and carrying out various operations in urban environments
October 3 is a solemn day for every riot police officer and for members of their families The best are awarded medals, titles and words of gratitude On this day we remember those who gave their lives in the struggle for peace Veterans are honored with memorable gifts Festive concerts and entertainment programs are organized for special forces employees