On August 14, the majestic Orthodox holiday of the Destruction of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord is celebrated In the centuries-old folk tradition, this day received many names: “Wet Spas,” “Honey Spas,” “Spas on the Water,” “Poppy Spas,” or “Makovei” The custom gathers parishioners to illuminate water and fresh honey and calls for the beginning of a short but strict Dormition Fast But besides the custom, the Feast of the Carrying of the Life-Giving Cross has an amazing history, intertwining the fates of saints, great personalities and entire nations
In the 9th century, the rulers of Byzantium used the miraculous powers of the Holy Cross for the benefit of people, a piece of which was kept in the imperial home church During the hottest time of the year, the precious relic was brought to the St Sophia Cathedral of Constantinople to illuminate the water The common people reverently venerated the relic and drank the illuminated water with faith in salvation from diseases walking along the sultry streets of the city The date of the sacred rite was set as August 1 (14 New Style) as the peak of the scorching summer sun, when the need for miraculous powers is most necessary for salvation from infection and pestilence So the holiday began to be associated with the Carrying of the Cross, that is, with the religious procession
At the end of the 10th century, August 1 (14 BC), 988, under the reign of Prince Vladimir, Kievan Rus joined the Christian world The crowded baptism in the river echoed the illumination of the water with a piece of the Savior's Cross in Constantinople Therefore, the great day is associated with water and is often called “Wet Savior” Almost two centuries later, in August 1164, the Russian army led by Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky defeated the hordes of the Volga Bulgars who oppressed the Rostov and Suzdal lands The army of Christians turned for help to the icon depicting the Mother of God, which later became known as the Vladimir icon On the same day, the Byzantines, accompanied by icons of the Savior, the Virgin Mary and the Holy Cross, defeated the Saracens The images shone with an unearthly light, blessing the warriors of the Christian faith In memory of heavenly protection, the church authorities established a holiday to the All-Merciful Savior and the Mother of God
The day of the Destruction of the Honest Trees combines the great deeds of past years, but people more often call it “Honey Savior”, associating it with the collection of fresh honey The church illuminates water, honey, as well as medicinal herbs and ripe poppies, as a gift from God Here the ancient holidays of seeing off the passing summer, fertility and abundance, intricately woven into the fabric of the Christian faith, found their echoes The time of poppy ripening merged with the day of remembrance of the holy Old Testament martyrs Macabees Housewives baked pies and gingerbreads with poppy seeds, wrapped poppy seeds in pancakes and prepared special poppy-honey milk The youth danced in circles, showering each other with poppy seeds The peasants bathed themselves and bathed their horses; the water at Spas was considered as healing as at Epiphany
According to the good Christian tradition, everyone was treated to illuminated honey and sweets; it was considered especially blessed to serve treats to the poor and needy The Church emphasizes the spiritual component of the Savior, which prevails over worldly traditions and customs One should go to church for the salvation of the soul, for strengthening the spirit before the two-week Dormition Fast, and the tradition of illuminating the fruits of the earth should only accompany the main meaning of the holiday of the Bearing of the Life-Giving Cross