November 20 is Pediatrician's Day, which has been celebrated in many countries around the world for quite some time The history of its celebration is simple It is due to the fact that on November 20, 1954, at the initiative of the UN General Assembly, the Declaration of the Rights of the Child was adopted This was subsequently continued, since it became obvious that children, like adults, have the right to decent medicine, education, timely medical care, etc Therefore, Pediatrician Day was established, which was a completely logical decision
In addition, since the Middle Ages it became clear that the health of children has its own specifics, and it is impossible to approach the treatment of children and adults in the same way There is evidence that, starting from the 15th century, a separate medical specialization began to form: doctors began to appear who were engaged in treatment, focusing specifically on children's anatomy and physiology Although it took almost another 500 years for humanity to realize the importance of establishing a professional holiday specifically for pediatricians, as special doctors who bear a very great responsibility
Pediatrics requires deep knowledge and extensive practice Not to mention the fact that pediatric doctors often, even morally, feel much more responsible for the lives of their patients than their colleagues who work with an older audience In many ways, this responsibility is imposed on pediatricians by society itself, which has formed trends and stereotypes One way or another, the popular phrase “All the best goes to the children” perfectly explains how high the standards are when it comes to the life of a child
Traditionally, on this day, a variety of events related to medicine, including pediatrics, are held Of course, this is not the only option for how you can mark the date There are many international charities that help children around the world It is believed that many children, including minors, live in Africa and South America, and yet they do not have the opportunity to attend school or receive qualified medical care Many of them are deprived of parents, live in single-parent families, and are also forced to work from an early age Unfortunately, the situation is not improving over time, and in some regions of the planet is even worsening
This also happens for reasons related to the negative impact on the environment Thus, in Africa, many people suffer from a lack of drinking water Because of this, mortality increases significantly, primarily among children It is not surprising that on November 20, environmental and human rights organizations become so active and meetings are held with representatives of the famous international society Doctors Without Borders On television you can see programs dedicated to motherhood and childhood, round tables are held, even an excursion into history is made so that as many people as possible learn about how medicine developed, how families lived in the Middle Ages, in other eras, how pediatrics arose, what are its capabilities at present?
On November 20, it is customary to congratulate doctors who have worked in this field for a long time, who have served conscientiously and selflessly There are pediatricians in all hospitals, and they are the ones who know the real state of affairs Pediatricians are often the initiators of certain political and social innovations aimed at improving the quality of life of children Such meetings and information support make it possible to popularize pediatrics This, in turn, encourages applicants and future students of medical universities to choose this particular area of activity Subsequently, many of the graduates become volunteers, coming to hot spots of the planet to provide children with qualified medical care