In the popular calendar, December 3 (according to the old style - November 20) is marked as the day of Proclus of Constantinople, who carried the word of God in the 5th century From a young age, Proclus devoted himself to serving the Lord Having become a student of Archbishop John Chrysostom, he received the rank of deacon, and after some time earned the rank of presbyter Proclus also managed to perfectly study the Holy Scriptures and express his thoughts eloquently After the death of John Chrysostom, the clergyman moved to Constantinople, received the rank of archbishop and enlightened the population with the Orthodox faith
One day a long earthquake began, during which many buildings were destroyed Patriarch Proclus gathered the frightened residents for prayer During the prayer service, a boy from the crowd was lifted high into the air by unprecedented force Returning to earth, he told the townspeople that he saw the Angels glorifying the Lord, singing: “Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal” The people took up the prayer with this chant and the destructive earthquake stopped Proclus earned universal respect and lived in reverence to an old age
Traditionally, on the day of Proclus, it is necessary to curse evil spirits This approach prevents them from crawling out from under the ground, which helps them survive the frosts, and causing harm to humanity To prevent evil spirits from sneaking into the room, crosses were hung at all entrances and exits from the house, including the chimney Crosses were replaced by sticks intertwined crosswise Before going to bed, a prayer was read, which mentioned the holy cross many times
By the day of St Proclus, the autumn rains usually ended, the earth dried out and became covered with a layer of snow Then the people switched from carts to sleighs It was customary to ask the saint for safe travels
It was believed that whatever this day would be like, June would be like that, so heavy snow foreshadowed showers in June A child born on Proclus will become an excellent master in the future If anyone sees a black grouse high on a tree, then you should wait for sunny weather But a singing bullfinch or a magpie hiding under the edge of the roof meant heavy snowfall A very low temperature was predicted by the crackling firewood in the fireplace Snowy weather from night to morning promised cloudless weather during the day Cirrus curved clouds foreshadowed a strong snowstorm