December 17 (December 4, old style) celebrates the national holiday - Varvarin Frosts It is held in honor of Saint Barbara of Iliopolis, who suffered severe torment for the Christian faith
She was born in the 4th century and was the daughter of the cruel ruler Dioscorus The girl had a captivating beauty To avoid prying eyes and Christian influence, her pagan father locked Varvara in a tower and ordered her to leave only with permission Observing the world around her from the windows, Varvara doubted that the pagan gods could create such beauty It seemed to her that everything around was the work of one Creator
When Dioscorus went on a journey, Varvara met Christian women From them I learned the truth about God, and from a passing priest from Alexandria I performed the Sacrament of Baptism Dioscorus, having learned about what had been done, became furious He gave his daughter to be tortured so that she would renounce Christianity, but in vain The girl endured and glorified the Lord Then the ruler beheaded Varvara with his own hands
Among the people, Varvara was considered a protector from unexpected death, so they prayed to her for a long life Saint Barbara was more revered by women, especially pregnant women They asked Varvara for health for themselves and their children
During the Varvara frosts, the population was diligently preparing for the upcoming New Year holidays Women were engaged in making sweets from sugar, honey and fruits The men brewed beer from honey according to ancient recipes On Varvarin day it was not allowed to weave
Barbara's Day meant the approach of the solstice - the time when the sun “turned towards summer” The night became a little shorter, the day no longer seemed so dark However, the winter became more frosty The snowy path was already being rolled down by sleds, and the rivers were covered with thick ice, allowing heavy loads to be transported
Traditionally, there were severe frosts on Varvarin day Observing the creeping smoke from the stove, they waited for warming, and the rising smoke foreshadowed severe weather for several days We also looked at the sunset, if it had a red tint, we waited for frost; a cloudy sunset meant a quick snowfall A starless, dim sky preceded the thaw