August 13th marks the national Christian holiday of Evdokimov Day On this day, believers remember Evdokim the Cappadocian, the patron saint of marital harmony and prosperity
Evdokim, the son of pious and noble Christians Vasily and Evdokia, took a vow of celibacy and devoted his whole life to serving God The emperor, conquered by his kindness and sincerity, appointed him ruler of the Kharsian region The man helped the suffering, resolved conflicts, and people surprisingly obeyed him Most of his deeds were not known to the people, since he did not want publicity of his exploits He spent all his time with his mother talking about the Lord
Evdokim, at the age of 33, felt his death approaching Then he asked his mother to leave him alone, and after death to bury him in the clothes that he would be wearing The relics of Evdokim healed the sick, miracles happened near his tomb
After a year and a half, the parent decided to change her son’s clothes Having opened the coffin, people were surprised to smell the fragrance and see the man’s completely preserved face Then Evdokim was dressed in new clothes and buried again The saint's parents built a church at the burial site
Evdokimov's prayer is the last day before the Assumption Fast, when you can eat fast food It was customary for people to spend this day on the field Field work foreshadowed people's further prosperity and success in business On August 13, peasants began collecting turnips This vegetable was respected, it was even called the second bread They made kvass and porridge from it, and stuffed them into pies
After field work, the peasants cleaned the tool, repaired it if necessary, and always thanked them for their good service Knowledgeable people charmed the harrow against breakdowns and for a good harvest Without a harrow, peasant labor would be difficult, because it was used to cultivate the soil, protecting it from drying out and weeds Therefore, this instrument was treated with great respect On Evdokimov's day people turned to the harrow with requests for help in work and even bowed
Before the onset of Lent, young people organized festivities on this day Girls and boys danced in circles, sang, played, and danced The grooms were looking closely at the brides, because the time for weddings was coming soon
During the Evdokimovo ritual, people noticed some natural phenomena, connecting them with future events: • a strong wind foreshadows a harsh winter; • bees flew into the field - the weather will be good; • grass snakes crawled out to bask in the sun - bad weather will soon come