The Slavic holiday of the Intercession is celebrated on October 14 (October 1 according to the old calendar) and has ancient roots dating back to the pagan past Like many other ancient Slavic dates, the Intercession was closely connected with the change of seasons, with the wheel of the year, with the way of peasant life The divine Svarog gathered a retinue of Slavic gods, and flew with them to the heavenly Svarga, leaving the world of people to the power of winter We needed to prepare for the darkest and coldest time of the year
The holiday coincided with the first winter cold In the morning the ground was covered with white frost or sprinkled with thin snow, indicating morning frosts All field work was completed, the peasants took care of the improvement and heating of their homes, and did not ignore the cattle, which had a long winter ahead
The brownie was responsible for the warmth in the house He was supposed to hibernate in a cozy corner and not leave his home for a minute, so the house spirit was appeased with a special treat Housewives baked pancakes, the first of which was divided into four parts and placed in all corners of the house Relying on the brownie, the peasants slowly insulated the walls and windows and heated the stoves Echoes of Pokrov customs can be recognized in folk sayings and sayings: “Father Pokrov, heat our hut without firewood,” “Father Pokrov, cover the hut with planks, and the owners with good”
Taking care of domestic animals was a special tradition The festive sheaf from the last mowing of wheat was intended to be a treat for the cattle, which were supposed to be fed for the winter The tradition had a practical basis, like many things in the life of the peasantry A really thin, half-starved animal had no chance of surviving the severe frosts And caring owners had long ago stored hay to feed their household helpers
During the times of dual faith, when Christian and ancient Slavic customs were closely intertwined, the church holiday of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary arose The snow blanket was replaced by a crimson head scarf-amulet of the Mother of God herself And the prayers of Christians for well-being have already been addressed to the Virgin Mary
Unmarried girls especially had a lot of prayers The holiday of the Intercession itself was linked to the wedding ceremony After the harvest, one could think about his personal life The youth organized games and get-togethers The girls did needlework, weaved and embroidered, and at the same time told fortunes about the grooms They read the incantations: “Mother Theotokos, Father-Pokrov, cover the earth with snow, and cover the young me with a bridegroom” Thus, the concept of the Veil acquired another meaning - a wedding crown on the brow of a young beauty
Today, ancient Slavic holidays are experiencing a revival Folk traditions preserve the memory of thousands of years, and although the self-name of the celebration has long been lost, its essence remains unchanged It is important not to lose the ancestral memory of the Slavs, hidden in songs, customs and holidays