People often dream after waking up in the morning, filling the day with a host of delightful illusions and expectations Indeed, a positive inner attitude sets the tone for future events, directing them in a positive direction On December 17, the Festival of Morning Illusions is celebrated, which gives the opportunity to make the most unrealizable dreams and fantasies come true
The belief that expectations are destined to come true is characteristic of optimists Yes, rose-colored glasses contribute to an illusory perception of reality But is it so bad to be cheerful without noticing the bad in the world around you, without seeing the imperfections and shortcomings of people? "La Vie En Rose" is one of the most famous songs in Edith Piaf's repertoire It tells how the simple affectionate words of a lover fill the heroine’s every day with special meaning Thanks to this, sorrows and troubles disappear, and happiness comes into the singer’s life
Morning dreams are an optimistic start to a one-day run Thanks to a positive inner attitude, even serious obstacles and difficulties can be overcome easily and quickly A person creates his reality not only with deeds, but also with thoughts The power of intention and visualization cannot be underestimated So feel free to fantasize for your own pleasure, imagining in detail what you dream about! It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in visualization as a technique for fulfilling desires Your inner fullness and confidence that dreams come true will still attract the right events and people into your life The technique is recommended even for notorious materialists
Daydreaming in the morning is a useful activity However, an excessive passion for soaring in the clouds and morning illusions can ruin the day Who is this man running at full speed, jumping over the steps in the subway? And this girl bursting into the audience 15 minutes into the teacher’s lecture? Perhaps they were so caught up in their dreams while lounging in bed that they forgot about time Morning illusions are a common reason for being late for school and work
The poet Igor Guberman very subtly noticed the special state of a person after awakening:
It’s not for nothing that experienced masters give recommendations on meditation to those who are interested in energy practices immediately after waking up Especially if you meet a new day in a broken state From the point of view of psychotherapists, meditation helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which causes deep relaxation in a person Even a 20-minute practice in the morning can harmonize your internal state, increase resistance to stress and the production of endorphins
It is recommended to celebrate December 16 not only in the lotus position near a burning candle Affirmations—settings of targeted action that help in achieving your goals—will help increase the likelihood of your desires coming true Any practice applied on this day helps the wildest plans and fantasies come true, so even skeptics and pessimists should not ignore the Festival of Morning Illusions