Eating fermented foods that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and strengthen the immune system is very beneficial for the human body The ancestors of the Eastern Slavs ate rye bread, sauerkraut and cucumbers, ate Varenets and sour cream, drank fermented baked milk and yogurt All these products contain lactobacilli, which ferment carbohydrates and participate in the formation of lactic acid Tomatoes, cabbage and other pickled vegetables, in addition, saturate the body with potassium, manganese, bioflavonoids, vitamins B, K, C and other antioxidants
To facilitate the digestion process, supply the intestines with beneficial microflora and form an immune response, the people of Asia have long consumed miso soup and kimchi, and drink kambucha, boza and ayran The Inca Indians, who in ancient times lived in the lands of modern Peru, made beer from fermented corn Today this popular drink is called "chicha" Brazilians prepare sour polvillier azedo cheese, tucupi sauce and other dishes based on fermented cassava tubers Fermented porridge made from sorghum, corn or millet is the traditional breakfast of the people of Nigeria and Kenya
The daily menu of Europeans and North Americans contains a lot of baked goods made from white flour, mayonnaise, refined oils, sausages and sausages, and little whole grain cereals, vegetables and fruits Excess processed food, lack of fiber and fermented foods have led to the coining of the term "Western microbiota" His body lacks bacteria that help the digestion process, are responsible for metabolism, and regulate the level of thyroid hormones, cortisol and insulin In honor of fermented foods and those who do not doubt their benefits, the Fermented Festival was established, which is celebrated on November 11
Peoples living on different continents have long known about the benefits of food prepared by fermentation Therefore, today, like hundreds of years ago, the Poles prepare zurek - “the king of all soups” based on sourdough made from rye flour, the Swedes make surströmming (canned and pickled herring), and the Icelanders make hakarl from partially decomposed and then dried Greenland shark meat A lot of beneficial microorganisms are contained in lassi, a yogurt that Indians traditionally drink before meals, and in gum cider from the juice of endemic plants, consumed by the aborigines of Australia
Many people associate the word “healthy” when applied to food with “tasteless” However, this does not apply to foods prepared by fermentation Not only the consumption of live yoghurts, coconut kefir and ayran, but also low-alcohol drinks from kombucha, as well as beer and kvass helps to saturate the body with beneficial microflora Therefore, the holiday, which falls on November 11, is celebrated with a glass of lager, longan rice wine or a glass of mead in hand You can snack on Tibetan chaang, which tastes like ale, or Mexican pulque made from fermented agave juice, with Korean kimchi salad, Russian pickled cucumber or pickled apples