Russian Psychologist Day is usually celebrated on November 22 Psychology is an important aspect for the modern world The well-being of a person’s life, the growth of his potential, increased labor productivity, and a useful contribution to society directly depend on a person’s mental well-being This branch of science goes side by side with the rest of the humanities To be a psychologist means to be a versatile person with sufficient experience and extensive knowledge
The world was in no hurry to celebrate the psychologist's holiday It was established after the World Congress of Mental Health, held on October 10, 1992 And in the Russian Federation, 1994 is considered the year the holiday was founded with the support of Moscow State University, when a meeting of the Russian Psychological Center was held in Moscow It was not officially founded Since then, psychology department organizations and universities have informally celebrated it on November 22
As a science, psychology is very young; it was recognized as such several centuries ago But its roots begin from the times of ancient antiquity Questions about the soul of the individual were described by Aristotle, Plato and other philosophers of that period The term "psychology" was originally used in the 16th century, through the efforts of the philosopher Rudolf Gocklenius The breakthrough in the improvement of science came in the 19th and 20th centuries, when the pressure of the church on society subsided
The main meaning of the Psychologist's Day holiday is the desire to remind people about the right profession Traditionally, November 22 is spent focusing on psychological health topics, seminars and lectures at faculties not related to psychology
This industry suffers from low funding from the country's authorities Many people need specialist advice The services of a psychoanalyst cease to be a shameful treatment; on the contrary, it is more likely a tribute to fashion, but not without reason It is no secret that our world is becoming tougher, people experience a lot of stress every day, sometimes a person needs support, help to solve a difficult psychological issue The specialist will be able to listen to the client, help find the original source of the problem, and give valuable advice