There are quite a lot of subcultures that were formed against the backdrop of their representatives’ passion for music - hip-hop, rave, and heavy metal One of the oldest is punk rock Such famous groups as the British Sex Pistols and the Ramones from New York are considered the founders of the musical style October 25th is Punk Day, a powerful countercultural movement of the 70s twentieth century, which became one of the central trends of rock
The hippie culture, the “flower children,” became the ancestor of many types of alternative music One of them was punk - garage rock In addition to the raw and rough sound based on several chords, the musicians demonstrated a special manner of performing the compositions Thus, the Ramones used a metronome that worked at the highest speed The appearance of the performers spoke of a disregard for the mainstream: unwashed, disheveled hair, dirty and torn clothes reflected the philosophy of the subculture Therefore, Ed Seders from the group The Fugs, an American musician and public figure, stated that punks are “lumpen hippies”
Translated from colloquial English, punk means “hooligan” or “punk” Pins, spikes, silver jewelry, torn clothes, black leather jackets and berets (lace-up army boots), wristbands, leather bracelets - these and other items were used by representatives of the subculture to create the desired image Aggression, constant confrontation with the surrounding world, the desire for freedom and independence, opposition to authoritarianism - this is what distinguishes punks from nihilists like them
Punk for a Day Day is celebrated by everyone interested in the history of the emergence of alternative music in the mid-twentieth century Punk also made its mark in other areas of culture - literature (prose and poetry) and even fashion Malcolm McLaren and Vivienne Westwood were designers who opened a boutique in London in 1971 that sold jackets with lots of metal studs, ripped jeans and other clothing in acid colors in a "dead style" featuring skulls and similar symbols of the afterlife In 2010, Karl Lagerfeld, Valentino and Jean-Paul Gaultier turned to the subculture, creating several fashion collections in the haute-punk style
What is the best way to celebrate Punk Day for those who are close to this daring style and the underground philosophy of its supporters? Of course, communicating with like-minded people online and offline - listening to aggressive and driving music in a club or pub You can dye your hair a bright color, make a devilock ("devil's curl") or a mohawk - a symbol of punks To create a vertical composition of hair on the head, gel, varnish and grease are used
At Punk for a Day, Day attend concerts of your favorite bands who work in various styles of punk - hardcore, folk, pop, crust, gothic rock and many others On October 25, fans of all directions of the subculture unite, which arose as a protest to the mainstream - a well-fed and measured bourgeois life The holiday reminds us that rock and roll is alive, and with it, punk is explosive, aggressive and sincere in all its manifestations