Purr and Stretch Day is one of the most carefree and relaxed holidays It is celebrated on September 30th Created to encourage people to be inspired by the example of cats who are not in a hurry and always find time to relax After all, all of us, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, should learn the art of relaxation from our tailed pets Adult cats are known to spend 12-16 hours a day sleeping But immediately after waking up, they are in no hurry to go about their business At first, the cat slowly comes to its senses and stretches Thus, it activates blood flow and prepares the muscles for work A few minutes of sweet “stretching” and the fluffy predator is ready to play, walk around the apartment or hunt
Stretching after sleep is beneficial not only for felines, but also for humans This simple and enjoyable exercise has the following effects:
1 Increases muscle tone, prepares them for movement Getting out of bed with relaxed muscles, a person will feel unstable, unsure of his own body It even threatens injury
2 Reduces stress levels, calms and improves mood Waking up calmly and stretching is the key to a positive attitude for the whole day
3 Speeds up metabolism, stimulates the nervous system and brain In this way, we can not only physically, but also mentally “get into work” faster
4 Prevents diseases of the spine, relieves back pain
We all need a gentle warm-up after a period of rest so much that the mechanism of stretching has been evolved Moreover, it is associated with the pleasure center When muscles stretch, endorphins begin to be produced Thus, nature stimulates us to take actions that are necessary for our body Stretching exercises are common in various body practices and physical warm-ups Speech and stage movement classes at theater universities cannot do without them In addition, you should stretch throughout the day just like that, without being tied to any physical exercise This is especially recommended for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle
Unlike stretching, purring is not a necessity in cats It usually accompanies a pet's good mood and means that he feels safe Purring also symbolizes affection towards the owner, another person or even an animal A healthy cat may purr when near a sick or injured cat With this she calms her relative, but not only According to research results, cat purring at frequencies from 20 to 140 hertz helps reduce shortness of breath, stabilize the emotional state, heal tendon and bone injuries, and eliminate swelling Thus, it is not the cat herself who needs this, but those around her The therapeutic effect is due to the strength of vibration A sound of this frequency is perceived by humans as ultrasound and activates regeneration processes
How to celebrate the day of purring and stretching? There are several ideas for holding such an unusual but pleasant holiday:
• Sleep longer and spend a few minutes in bed after waking up At the same time, you should stretch and think about something pleasant
• If possible, put things aside for later and take time for quiet rest - watch a movie or read a book
• Take care of your cat, because the holiday is dedicated to her You can lie in bed together, play, or treat your cat to something tasty
• Pay attention to the inhabitants of cat shelters You can come and spend time with them, or at least transfer money to the needs of the furry wards of the establishment