Man has long studied many natural phenomena Thus, in 1304, the German thinker Theodoric explained how a rainbow is formed in raindrops and recreated it in a spherical flask An atmospheric, optical and meteorological phenomenon observed in nature when the color of the sun is refracted at a 45-degree angle in water droplets The process of the appearance of a rainbow is described by one of the laws of geometric optics The first scientist to determine the angle of refraction of the sun's rays in water in 1266 was the Englishman Roger Bacon
The statement that there are seven colors in the rainbow belongs to Isaac Newton European, Asian and American scientists do not agree with the results of his experiments The Japanese and French do not see green in the rainbow, but the Chinese have only five colors in their palette: red, yellow, green, blue and violet
People observe rainbows not only during the day after rain or while at a waterfall Multi-colored stripes form from fog and can be seen in dew drops and in the night sky A lunar rainbow differs from a solar rainbow in lower brightness This unusually beautiful and interesting natural phenomenon is depicted by artists in their paintings and sung by poets and musicians Unknown jokers established a funny holiday in his honor August 22 is Rainbow Ride Day
The holiday encourages you to use your imagination and try to accomplish what is almost impossible A rainbow is an intangible object; you cannot touch it or even get close to it You won’t be able to ride it either, but getting acquainted with mythological stories and religious images of the optical phenomenon is quite possible Thus, the ancient Scandinavians believed that the souls of the righteous descend along the rainbow to the other world after death The Indians were convinced that they could climb up to the celestial beings using a multi-colored staircase
In the Middle Ages, Jesus Christ was depicted sitting on a rainbow in a star-studded mandorla - an almond-shaped radiance that conveys the light of divine glory The Chinese identify the rainbow with the dragon, seeing it as a symbol of the unification of yin and yang, heaven and earth The Incas painted it on flags and shields, believing that it allowed them to draw power from solar energy Among the Eastern Slavs, the rainbow was associated with fertility and Perun's victory over evil spirits; among the Bulgarians, it was associated with the wrath of the gods and cataclysms
In honor of the holiday, people not only get acquainted with interesting facts related to the optical phenomenon, but also go outdoors Rainbow tours are a type of tourism dedicated to excursions during which the traveler enjoys the beauty of the surrounding world People admire the picturesque views and unique atmospheric phenomenon at Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe and Zambia, at Mactu Picchu in Peru, at the mountain peaks and glaciers of Iceland, and the lakes of New Zealand Tourists are inspired by natural beauty, take photographs and post them on social networks, paying tribute to the fun celebration - Rainbow Riding Day