Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism is one of the saddest dates, both for Russia and for many countries affected by the terrible grief that Nazism brought This is the date of remembrance not only of the soldiers who gave their lives defending their homeland, but also of the civilian population who suffered during the Second World War Soldiers from different countries took part in the hostilities They fought shoulder to shoulder against fascism There is hardly a family in our country that has not been affected by the grief of losing loved ones in this terrible tragedy
Every year, Remembrance Day for the Victims of Fascism is celebrated on the second Sunday in September This decision was outlined back in 1962, and the month was chosen due to the fact that 2 significant events of the Second World War fell in September: its beginning and its end
World War II was started by Hitler's Germany on September 1, 1939, when Germany attacked Poland Hitler, who headed the German government at that time, pursued a policy based on racial discrimination and the superiority of the indigenous Aryans over other nations He made plans according to which Germany, led by him, was to become a power ruling the entire world The remaining peoples were to become slaves or be physically destroyed Thus, the Slavs were assigned the role of “elite slaves,” and he planned to completely exterminate the Jews and Gypsies
In the course of executing their brutal plan, the Nazis killed about 6 million Jews and a third of the Roma The mass extermination of Jews during World War II was called the Holocaust The Nazis killed absolutely innocent women, old people, and children just because they were Jews, Gypsies, or people of another nationality The Nazis created concentration camps where they brought millions of people for inhuman torture and cruel experiments In concentration camps, the Nazis killed thousands of prisoners every day, subjecting them to cruel torture, conducting their terrible experiments, burning them in crematoria ovens
The start of a terrible war brought Hitler victories over Norway, Denmark, Poland and other countries Intoxicated by his triumphs, in June 1941 he attacked the Soviet Union The inhabitants of our country rose to defend the Fatherland Men fought at the front, and women, old people and children, who stood in the rear at the machines, helped the Soviet army with all their might Our ancestors gave a worthy rebuff to the Nazis, liberating our Motherland and other countries captured by the Nazis from them
The bloodiest war in human history affected 62 of the 73 states then in existence Battles took place on three continents The human losses resulting from military operations are truly staggering; they amounted to about 50-55 million people, of which 27 million soldiers died at the fronts The greatest human losses were suffered by Russia, China, Germany, Poland, and Japan The war caused enormous damage to the economies of these countries
Every year there are fewer and fewer participants in the terrible war But we, their descendants, must carefully remember the feat of the people who fought back the brown plague, and also convey to our children and grandchildren the importance of the victory over fascism This is why the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Fascism was declared
On this day, people visit mass graves, bring flowers to monuments and memorials, remember relatives who took part in the Great Patriotic War, and unknown soldiers who gave their lives for the liberation of their native land There are thematic programs on television and films dedicated to the feat of our people
It is important that all subsequent generations know and remember what great evil fascism brought to humanity