On March 27, according to the Presidential Decree, the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday This event is intended to preserve the continuity of military traditions that have been created and developed over centuries, as well as to increase the prestige and honorable title of a National Guard soldier
The choice of date for this holiday was not accidental Previously (until 2017), on the same day, residents of the country celebrated the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs But, as you know, these troops were also transformed into the National Guard in 2016, therefore, it is quite logical that they decided to rename their holiday
National Guard Day is a significant event for all military personnel and civilian personnel who perform complex tasks every day: maintaining law and order in society, fighting various manifestations of extremism and terrorism, always ensuring the safety of residents of the Russian Federation when numerous rallies, concerts, meetings are held, protect objects that are strategically important for the state In addition, if necessary, we are always ready to participate in the defense or ensuring the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation together with other troops (border or armed)
On March 27, especially in honor of these people, their high professionalism, as a sign of gratitude and respect, festive, ceremonial concerts, sports competitions and meetings of veterans will be held throughout the country, and, of course, a ceremony of awarding honorary state awards to all those who particularly distinguished themselves during their service It is also impossible to imagine National Guard Troops Day without laying flowers at the graves and memorials of soldiers killed in service, and a moment of silence to honor the memory of all those who gave their lives for the safety and peaceful life of their compatriots