On April 8, Russia celebrates Animation Day This is the day when there is a great reason to review all your favorite cartoons It became possible thanks to an extraordinary event that happened more than 100 years ago
On April 8, 1912, for the first time in history, the general public was given the opportunity to see an animated film directed by Russian biologist Vladislav Starevich
Our first animated film (“Beautiful Lucanida”) told the world an extraordinary story about an unhappy love from the life of insects and was a parody of the plots of knightly romances
Starevich's puppet animation created a huge sensation not only in his native country, but also abroad She was popular for many years
The film amazed viewers with its technique: it seemed to people that they were seeing on the screen not man-made models, but real location shootings of trained insects
Since the first animated premiere, the domestic school of animation has always occupied a strong position in the world art of this genre Outstanding masters worked in this field, and the works they created became treasures that worthily adorn the collections of the golden fund of global animation
Modern Russian animation is rapidly developing and thriving The techniques for creating domestic cartoons have improved and diversified in many ways To emphasize how important this art is for the modern world, an April holiday was established
In 2015, an award ceremony called “Icarus” was also timed to coincide with it It solemnly congratulates distinguished representatives of the country's specialized studios, as well as famous veterans of the genre, in various categories
On the day of the celebration of animation, many Russian cities hold interesting promotions and exciting events dedicated to domestic animation The best works of Russian specialists are shown in cinemas, as well as little-known films that have never seen distribution before
The Day of Russian Animation is also a day of demonstration concerts, the brightest festivals, and interesting unique exhibitions
During this celebration, cartoon characters can “come out” of films and parade through the streets, giving smiles and good mood to those around them
The holiday pleases not only children, but also adults, giving them the opportunity to briefly plunge into the wonderful world of childhood, remember something long forgotten, perhaps very important for them