March 1 is the Day of the Forensic Expert of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No 1010 of November 24, 2008 In Soviet Russia, the first expert institution - the Forensic Examination Cabinet - was created at the Tsentrorozysk of the NKVD on March 1, 1919 The first day of spring became a holiday for the forensic service
Forensic knowledge has probably been required since the advent of justice Mention of expert means and techniques in Rus' is found in manuscripts of the 15th – 16th centuries The birth of examination began with the comparison of the authenticity of signatures in documents
The practice of investigative work has more than once encountered the obvious commission of a serious crime by a specific person and the impossibility of proving his guilt, but it is worse when an innocent person was sent to prison and hard labor, condemning him on the basis of formal evidence
The judicial reform of 1864 led to the abandonment of the theory of formal evidence and required more careful attention to the assessment of circumstantial evidence New types of evidence have appeared, AA explained how to collect them Kvachevsky in his work “On criminal prosecution, inquiry and preliminary investigation of crimes under the Judicial Charters of 1864”
In 1889 EF Burinsky created a forensic photographic laboratory - the first forensic institution in Russia Evgeniy Fedorovich developed photographic methods for studying documents and was engaged in handwriting examination
The systematic use of scientific achievements began during the formation of the Russian forensic service; it is associated with the organization of the Cabinet of Scientific and Forensic Expertise, created in January 1913 After five years of activity, the office ceased work
Investigating a crime without forensic experts is difficult, sometimes impossible In Russia, after the change of government, the development of forensic science continued in the newly organized Forensic Science Cabinet
In the 1920s, two areas began to actively develop: registration of handprints and their identification Meticulous work led to the creation of a fingerprint system, which helped solve high-profile criminal cases
Forensics is a noble science and the higher the technological capabilities of the experts, the more likely it is that the criminal will be punished and the innocent will be acquitted
In an effort to ensure the triumph of justice, criminologists studied and adopted knowledge from domestic and foreign luminaries of expert activity In 1928, courses for experts were opened in Moscow, and in 1946 the Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Science was created
Institute staff developed and implemented new methods for analyzing and evaluating physical evidence, helping investigative authorities solve crimes
Modern experts conduct all kinds of examinations using unique equipment; they accurately and accurately determine who owns the blood, saliva, voice, smell, what weapon was shot from, who is to blame, and who was framed
Many people are familiar with the work of criminologists from feature films and television series Sometimes it seems that this is just a fantasy, a fairy tale; it is impossible to so easily and quickly determine who is right and who is wrong
Let us wish ourselves not to go beyond the scope of television acquaintance with forensic experts We wish the forensic experts error-free work and good health Let's say thank you for the triumph of justice