March 1 is Hosting Provider Day This is a professional holiday that has only recently appeared in our country Even if you don’t know what hosting is and who the providers are, you encounter their work every day The fact is that thanks to these specialists we can open our favorite website, correspond with each other using messengers and watch online videos This list can be continued for a very long time After all, hosting providers are the people without whom the Internet is impossible
Today, the majority of residents of our country use the Internet Some people cannot live without social networks or other entertainment resources Others make a living with the help of the World Wide Web But neither of them will be able to use the Internet without the help of hosting providers
They are the ones who keep your computer or mobile device connected to the global web day and night They are the ones who install equipment to improve data transmission They distribute traffic so that the networks are not overloaded, and we can use the Internet at any time
In fact, the work of a hosting provider is very hard and, most importantly, complex And once a year these people also need their professional holiday Just like metallurgists, builders, police officers, rescuers, doctors, etc
Hosting Provider Day is a relatively new holiday in our calendar It began to be celebrated only in 2011 The organizers of this “red day” for everyone connected with the Internet are Petr Palamarchuk, head of the HostObzor company, and Matvey Alekseev, head of the network and information transmission department of the Filanco group of companies With their light hand, the holiday of the hosting provider is celebrated annually today
Why was March 1 chosen for this professional holiday? Everything is very simple It was on this day, back in 2001, that “HostObzor” appeared This well-known project is known both to owners of small blogs of their own and to administrators of large portals On this resource you can find out the rating of “hosters” and choose the one whose services you want to use On this project, anyone can review the services of hosting providers and see their ratings
Although the professional holiday of hosting providers is still very young, it is becoming more and more popular every year According to the latest data, more than 65 million Russians go online every day At the same time, 95% of young people from 16 to 26 years old access the World Wide Web almost every day This means that hosting providers have a lot of work to do And even on their professional holiday, some of these specialists will not have to raise a glass with their family, but work at work to provide us with uninterrupted access to the Internet