The achievements of Russian scientists in various fields of science are widely known outside our country Hundreds of the greatest discoveries, often costing scientists their lives or health, pushed Russia forward into the age of scientific progress The economic transformation of the state has largely occurred thanks to a powerful lever - science Modern man owes many aspects of his life to a community of geniuses
On February 8, a holiday is celebrated throughout the country - Russian Science Day Scientists and professors, doctors and candidates, teachers and students, in a word, everyone who, in one way or another, is related to science, widely celebrate this holiday February 8 is not a public holiday, however, scientists are honored on this day throughout the country
Russia has always been famous for its outstanding people, despite rather meager investments in the development of scientific discoveries, as a result of which the so-called “brain drain” often occurs Textbooks on any subject are replete with the names of Russian scientists A huge layer of the most important discoveries is based on the shoulders of our nation
On February 8, 1724, at the direction of Peter the Great, the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded, renamed during the Soviet years to the Soviet Academy, and after the collapse of the USSR, it returned to its original name In honor of this great event, today the whole country celebrates Russian Science Day on February 8
Of course, in Soviet times there were attempts to move the day of honoring Soviet scientists to the period from April 18 to 23, praising VI Lenin, however, historical justice triumphed in this case too In 1999, BN Yeltsin signed a corresponding decree
February 8 is an important holiday On this day, government certificates are distributed, new titles are established, grants are awarded for the implementation of new plans, and the most important conferences for the exchange of experience are held A magnificent ceremony is organized at the Kremlin Palace, at which outstanding scientists receive well-deserved state awards
On this day, the media show the public interviews with scientists, television and radio programs about new achievements, stories about the difficulties and problems of research work, often comparable to exploits On this day, educational institutions organize “Graduate Meeting Evenings”, conduct small seminars or classes with stories from the life of modern scientists
The life of a scientist is very difficult and at the same time amazing Every scientist is ready to devote his entire life to the study of one molecule or ion, so that future generations can always benefit from these discoveries And while our scientists work selflessly for the good of our Motherland, we have something to be proud of