Space is beautiful and mysterious It carries many mysteries, secrets, useful information and at the same time dangers Almost every child dreams of becoming an astronaut when he grows up, considering this profession to be something fabulous In fact, all those who work in the Space Complex take risks every day, face enormous difficulties and problems, nevertheless, they work and love their profession These heroes, civilian and military, celebrate their professional holiday on October 4th
The Day of the Russian Space Forces is celebrated every year on October 4, after the signing of the law “On memorable and holiday days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” on May 31, 2006 However, this wonderful celebration was already celebrated before that, back in 1995, on December 10, by the President of Russia , Yeltsin BN, signed a decree on celebrating the Day of the Military Space Forces In 2002, the celebration was renamed Space Forces Day October 4 is not a random date; then, in 1957, the first of its kind, an artificial satellite, was launched from Earth, which marked the beginning of the era of astronautics
This celebration is celebrated in all military units, both military and civilians According to tradition, on this day extraordinary titles and certificates are awarded, and congratulations are heard from senior management Of course, they don’t forget about veterans; they are invited to concerts and master classes to pass on their experience and accumulated knowledge to the younger generation
In 1955, a testing ground for launching intercontinental and space rockets began in Kazakhstan It was from this moment that the history of Russian cosmonautics began In 1957, a central mission control command was created In the same year, construction of another cosmodrome was launched in the city of Plesetsk On October 4, 1957, the Earth satellite PS-1 flew, and four years later, the Vostok spacecraft with the legendary Yuri Gagarin was sent into space
Since 2001, the number of launch vehicles into Earth orbit has sharply increased, serving as devices for communications, navigation, cartography and television (radio) broadcasting
The present and future of Russian space forces
The main task of this unit is: - tracking dangerous space objects that can cause damage to our planet; - identifying threats to Russia's security from space; - providing the top leadership of our country with information about unplanned launches of ballistic missiles; - managing, launching and maintaining satellite satellites devices in orbit, military and civilian significance;
Currently, the Russian Space Forces have an established system for preparing, launching and controlling equipment for various purposes, of a space, radar and orbital nature Space reconnaissance pays special attention to foreign space systems, their groupings, as well as ongoing tests
1 The great Russian genius, scientist KE Tsiolkovsky is recognized as the founder of cosmonautics as a science
2 The air does not help, but hinders the normal flight of a manned rocket, because of this it is made streamlined
3 At one time, at the beginning of the 20th century, they tried to send postal parcels using long-range missiles
4 During World War II, Germany spent heavily on creating ballistic missiles using prison labor At the same time, more people died during their creation than during their direct action