“The abyss of stars has opened, full; The stars have no number, the bottom of the abyss,” - so with admiration MYu Lomonosov spoke about space, which the poet and scientist considered a manifestation of the great Creator More than 200 years after the poem was written, the first satellite was launched into Earth orbit In 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin ascended to the heavenly heights Over the past 60 years, more than 135 vehicles have been sent to the Moon, and 8,100 satellites have been sent into orbit Today, not only astronauts fly to the stars, but also tourists who are attracted by the secrets of the Universe
The beginning of the space age of mankind is associated with the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, which took place on October 4, 1957 The device, created in the USSR under the leadership of designer SP Queen, made one revolution around the planet every 98 minutes and sent signals for 22 days Thanks to the development of science and technology, modern satellites have been in low-Earth orbit for years With their help, cellular communications and navigation are carried out, weather and ozone holes are monitored In memory of the historical event, a holiday was established in 1999 by decision of the UN World Space Week is celebrated annually from October 4 to October 10
The celebration is timed not only to the launch of the first satellite World Space Week commemorates the entry into force of the landmark Outer Space Treaty on October 10, 1967 The agreement regulates the exploration and use by humans of near-Earth space, the Moon and other celestial bodies As of August 2023, the treaty was signed by 114 countries, including the main space powers: Russia, the USA, China, India, Japan, Canada, the UK, Germany and France Their joint projects, including flights to the ISS by international crews, are important, helping to reduce geopolitical tension in the world
Achievements and discoveries made in the space industry inspire millions of people to study physics, engineering and mathematics, and stimulate the development of technology, science and art Thus, in low-Earth orbit in microgravity conditions, it is planned to establish bioprinting and ceramic stereolithography processes, the production of ZBLAN fiber optic material and superalloys Data processing centers could be moved into space, powered 24/7 by solar panels and using vacuum as a thermal insulator
More than 90 countries take part in events dedicated to World Space Week Every year they are dedicated to a specific topic Thus, in 2019, World Week was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 astronaut mission, and was therefore held under the motto “The Moon: Gateway to the Stars” The 2020 celebration theme was “Satellites Making Lives Better” and the 2021 theme was “Women in Space”
Humanity is making big plans for the use of near-Earth space In the future, people will perform surgical operations in microgravity conditions, create a dome that protects the planet from solar radiation, and organize the disposal of industrial waste Participants in events dedicated to World Space Week discuss these and other immediate and long-term prospects