On August 15, a funny holiday is celebrated - the birthday of the telephone greeting "Hello"; It was first heard in 1877 from the lips of Thomas Edison, an American inventor and businessman The author of more than 4,000 patents, in a conversation on August 15 with the president of a telegraph company, recommended that his employees use a short greeting “Hello” at the beginning of a conversation with a subscriber A year earlier, the inventor of the telephone, Swede Alexander Bell, proposed using the naval greeting “Ahoy” for the same purpose (translated from English as “Hey, on deck!”) In the Russian language, a symbiosis of both options took root and the famous “Hello” appeared
This is interesting: Checking the operation of the equipment before performing on stage is often done using the popular phrase: “One, two, three, four five, the bunny went out for a walk” T Edison, when testing a phonograph, a device for recording sound messages, used a line from a children's poem: “Mary had a lamb” The device successfully repeated this phrase
There are generally accepted norms for conducting dialogue at a distance using means of communication The peculiarities of telephone communication include the lack of visual contact between the interlocutors, limited time (for example, during business negotiations) and a high probability of technical interference Therefore, saying a short unified greeting makes it clear from the first seconds of the conversation whether the interlocutor can hear you and what the quality of the connection is "Hello" refers to the productive part of a conversation and is used as a greeting
This is interesting: In countries around the world, starting a conversation on the phone sounds different In Italy they say "Pronto", which translates as "I listen", in Greece - "Παρακαλώ" ("Please"), in Spanish-speaking countries - "Hola" ("Speak") Germans often use their last name when answering an incoming call, while Brazilians often use the phrase “Quem és tu?” (“Who are you?”), Israelis - “Shalom” (“Peace”)
2 years before A Bell, in 1874, a similar communication device was invented by the Italian Antonio Meucci, who, due to financial difficulties, did not patent his invention The first telephone models were far from perfect - they did not have a ringer and were distinguished by a short transmission distance of the sound signal The interlocutors could talk while being 250-500 meters from each other Devices for converting sound vibrations into electrical impulses have long been considered a great luxury and were available to a narrow circle of people
This is interesting: 40% of the time during the day people lie during telephone conversations 2 times less often - in a personal conversation That is why businessmen often do not make important decisions over the phone, preferring a business meeting to a long-distance conversation
Today, most people on our planet have a telephone Therefore, the birthday greeting "Hello", despite its fun, is a relevant holiday In his honor, on August 15, it is customary to remember the history of the invention of the telephone and visit museums where ancient intercoms from various companies and countries are exhibited Psychologists recommend working on your voice timbre - recording a greeting in several versions on a dictaphone, using the best one Well, those who are too lazy to celebrate this day in some special way are advised to simply call on the phone, starting the conversation, of course, with the famous “Hello”