Forgetting about decency once a year, fooling around and showing a little madness in the best sense of the word is not such a bad idea Recklessness and unbridled behavior help you let off steam, forget about routine and become more resistant to the stresses that modern life is full of On February 24, everyone who is ready for childishness, fooling around and extravagance celebrates the funny Feast of the Roof
On this day, you can and should show your imagination, organize pranks, send SMS or postcards to your friends with funny and absurd congratulations “The roof moves slowly, quietly rustling like slate,” is a familiar phrase from a children’s poem, which is often used to describe a strange state of mind Deliberately inappropriate behavior on February 24 with signs of slight clouding of reason are clear signs that a person has decided to celebrate an unusual holiday
On this day, phrases claiming to have deep philosophical implications are popular, for example: “The stars are better visible through the slid down roof” Such sayings give a more serious status to a funny celebration that is celebrated in many countries around the world The expression “the roof has gone crazy” in Russia means a violation of the ability to think sensibly and even a slight insanity of the mind However, people who are not devoid of sarcasm and self-criticism reassure those who are suspected of such deviations “Each roof has its own driving style, it all depends on the cockroach behind the wheel,” such phrases are often found on postcards that circulate on the Internet in honor of February 24th
Humor saves you in any life situation And funny, albeit unofficial, holidays paint our gray everyday life with bright colors Someone jokes: “Life is movement,” said my roof and moved on" Other people take the celebration more seriously "Whatever the meaning of the holiday of the fallen roof, today is the time to remind homeowners about preserving the roofs on residential and outbuildings Saving on snow removal is proof that the stingy pays twice Restoring the roof will not be cheap, and snow that has moved away on its own can injure passers-by,” one of the provincial magazines sternly warns readers
In honor of the holiday, they listen to or sing comic songs, for example “Love and the Roof” by A Rosenbaum In it, the author ironically plays on the famous phrase:
In honor of February 24, people give themselves freedom, commit small stupidities and large, but harmless extravagances Fun, jokes, laughter and pranks somehow make this funny celebration similar to April Fools' Day But any holiday, no matter how sad it may be, ends sooner or later Therefore, on the morning of February 25, one of those who celebrated it will note with sadness: “When the roof returns, you stop seeing the stars”