In 2003, French writer Marc Levy came up with an unusual holiday established in honor of the search for the meaning of life - The point of Life The playwright invited people all over the world to ask themselves at least once a year, on February 17, the question of the meaning of existence on Earth Aggression, wars and other conflicts prevent us from showing unity in achieving good goals and caring for each other World Human Spirit Day, which is celebrated annually on February 17, is intended to draw attention to the importance of inner fullness and a state of harmony
World Human Spirit Day as a holiday is necessary to unite the energies of people and create, with the help of their flows, an information field invisible to the eye Filled with sincere impulses and good wishes, it will make the world kinder and more harmonious For the purpose of collective meditation, its participants allocate 2 minutes of time on February 17, spending them in silence and focusing on good goals The energetic unification of people on World Human Spirit Day occurs at 1500 EST - US Eastern Time, ie at 2300 - Moscow time
Scientists have long agreed that a person’s thoughts, emotions and actions are controlled not only by the mind There is a certain ephemeral energy structure that affects the physical and mental health of a person, defining him as a person Some call the core of an individual a soul, others call it a monad Despite the difference in names, researchers are unanimous in one thing - this energetic substance is necessary for the existence and learning of all living beings The human spirit is called to develop and create, to fill the world with gratitude and love However, interfaith conflicts, national strife and wars between countries prevent this World Human Spirit Day is an attempt to overcome such obstacles
Mark Levy is convinced that the release of energies as a result of collective meditation on February 17 will inevitably lead to the emergence of harmony, peace and all-consuming love in society The writer and his supporters believe that one should not underestimate the power of the human spirit, capable of things the understanding of which is beyond the limits of reason Therefore, universal meditation, despite the fact that it is not an action performed in the material world, is able to change life on the physical level
World Human Spirit Day inspires hope for the best and motivates millions of people around the world to think positively The holiday helps to believe in the power of collective intention and its implementation thanks to the sincerity of the impulses of everyone who is ready to devote 2 minutes of their life to meditation in honor of World Human Spirit Day