Insight, intuition and clairvoyance are a consequence of fine-tuning a person’s subconscious to connect with the outside world Academician VI Vernadsky in his works following KE Tsiolkovsky substantiated the concept of the living Universe and developed the theory of the information field The scientist called it the noosphere, which is the product of thoughts, emotions and actions of people Information about everything that was or is happening in the present time is contained at any point in space and is available to each of us Thanks to the noosphere and attunement to the frequencies of planetary consciousness, it is possible to predict the future August 18th is Serendipity Day
There are a lot of scientifically inexplicable cases when a mother, located thousands of kilometers from her child, realizes that he is in trouble Many people know the outcome of an event in advance, and if their minds do not suppress intuition, they benefit from this foresight The bonus of such insight is making the right decision, choosing the most favorable moment for action, and even life An example is the change of plans of 14 lucky people, many of whom were led to abandon sailing on the Titanic by intuition
The believers, whom the church elevated to the rank of saints, possessed perspicacity and the talent of clairvoyance The seers were Procopius of Ustyug, the wonderworker Basil the Blessed, Xenia of Petersburg and Matrona of Moscow The Church believes that God endowed the saints with the gift of foresight for sincere faith, inner perfection and moral purity Modern esotericists partially agree with this statement, believing that only spiritually developed people can connect to the Earth’s information field, which is also called the Akashic Chronicles
In honor of Serendipity Day, famous mediums and prophets who possessed the talent of clairvoyance are remembered These include M Nostradamus, H Duncan, D Hume and EP Blavatsky In the post-Soviet space, the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, who died more than 25 years ago, are still very popular Many of her prophecies concerning specific individuals and entire nations continue to come true Speaking about famous clairvoyants, we also remember the American Edgar Cayce, who predicted both the fates of thousands of people and events on a planetary scale from the invention of the laser to the collapse of the USSR
Every person is endowed with the gift of intuition and the talent of insight But often “mind games” prevent you from listening to your inner instincts The brain produces information based on our preferences, preventing us from perceiving reality objectively To develop foresight, you need to learn to trust your intuition, which will always give a signal if something is going wrong and not in a person’s interests
Serendipity Day encourages people to start listening to their inner voice Developed intuition increases confidence and teaches you to trust yourself Over time, a person begins to decipher the signs of fate and act as efficiently as possible according to the law of entropy, according to which everything complex tends to simplify and conserve energy The initiators of Serendipity Day are confident that it is never too late to start developing the talent of foresight And then creative inspiration, unexpected moments of insight, prophetic dreams and other signs of intuition will become your faithful companions for the rest of your life