The state symbols of the country are a source of special pride for every citizen These are signs of the special mission of the state, personifying its sovereignty In countries where patriotism is a priority, special holidays are held dedicated to the national flag In Kyrgyzstan, this date is March 3; on this spring day in 1992, the parameters and appearance of the flag of the Kyrgyz Republic were approved
The flag of Kyrgyzstan is a rectangular panel of deep scarlet color, the width of which corresponds to the length in the proportion of three to five In the center of the composition is the sun with 40 golden rays diverging to the sides In place of the solar disk there is a golden tundyuk - the upper light window of the Kyrgyz yurt
All elements of the flag of the Kyrgyz Republic have symbolism emanating from the national traditions and history of the Kyrgyz people The color scarlet belongs to the epic national hero Manas Forty golden rays of the sun represent the number of ancient primordial tribes of Kyrgyzstan, united into a single prosperous state Tyundyuk is a symbol of his father’s house and the fatherland as a whole, a source of light for all citizens of the country
The main flag of the capital was a banner measuring 10 by 15 meters, located at a height of 45 meters on the central square of Bishkek in 2009 The production of the cloth was carried out according to a special order in Turkey But the most grandiose flag of the Kyrgyz Republic was placed in 2012 on Mount Boz-Boltok, the height of its flagpole was as much as 75 meters
The holiday in honor of the National Flag in Kyrgyzstan has been celebrated since 2010 Traditional events on the day of celebration are mass rallies, youth marches, concerts and spectacular car rallies taking place in the capital and other large cities An obligatory part of the concert programs is manaschi - a musical and poetic performance by retellers of the Kyrgyz epic about the national hero Manas
The holiday of the state symbol is a wonderful occasion for folk craftsmen and everyone who wants to show their talents Thus, for the next date, through the efforts of the students of the republic, a model of the flag was made using the technique of thread graphics To produce this unique piece, 20 kilometers of threads and 13 thousand nails were used A giant model of the flag was put up for auction, the proceeds from which went to improve orphanages