International and national celebrations in some countries around the world call for increased curiosity and the development of cognitive abilities in people These include, for example, the Holiday of the Mind, established in honor of the US mathematician M Gardner, and World Brain Day The purpose of the activities carried out at this time is to train memory and attention, develop thinking and the ability to quickly make decisions October 22 is celebrated as “It’s Cool to Be Smart” Day, somewhat similar to other holidays
Smart is Cool Day is aimed at a youth audience The day is ideal to demonstrate to others your abilities and IQ level In honor of “It’s Cool to Be Smart,” educational events are held in schools, meetings with graduates with university diplomas who talk about the benefits of having an education In libraries and orphanages for creativity, intellectual games are held in the spirit of "What? Where? When?" and "Brain Ring" During Smart is Cool Day, children participate in chess and checkers competitions, solve puzzles, crosswords and rebuses
The program “Clever Men and Clever Girls” on Channel One of Russian TV talks about how important it is to be literate and have a developed intellect Its permanent leader since 1992 is Professor and Candidate of Historical Sciences Yu Vyazemsky Guests of the studio, schoolchildren from all over the country, take part in the All-Russian Humanitarian Olympiad in front of an audience of millions The reward for the winner is admission to MGIMO, one of the most prestigious domestic universities
Smart is Cool Day not only encourages young talents and ordinary children to develop their intelligence, but also provides an answer to the question: “Why is it cool to be smart?” There are at least 5 reasons to improve cognitive abilities:
1 monetization of knowledge - here it is appropriate to recall the intellectual game “What? Where? When?”, in which “everyone makes money with their own mind”;
2 respect in society;
3 historical legacy - geniuses leave behind scientific works, discoveries and memories for many centuries;
4 facilitating the learning process at school, college or institute;
5 achieving inner freedom and harmonious coexistence with the world
On October 22, video life hacks with the hashtag #besmart#cool are posted on Internet platforms and social networks In honor of the holiday, young and not so young people demonstrate miracles of intelligence and dexterity and take IQ tests N Tesla, A Einstein, S Hawkin and other scientists had knowledge that helped them realize their professional potential Smart is Cool Day helps you understand that an inquisitive mind and developed intelligence are the key to success in many endeavors