Spozhinki (Dozhinki, Oseniny, Obzhinki) - the day of the end of the harvest The Slavs, depending on the territory of their residence, celebrated it at different times, sometimes even twice Among the Eastern Slavs, it fell on the 28th of Serpen (August) according to the new style In the era of dual faith, Spozhinki began to be called Dormition in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which falls on the same day Some sources contain the name Gospozhinki, which appeared in honor of the Lady, that is, the Mother of God
This holiday was very important for the Slavic farmers Together with Spozhinki, the summer suffering ended: until that day it was necessary to reap - to squeeze out the bread On this day, one should thank the gods and spirits for the harvest The last sheaf was reaped carefully and respectfully, without saying a word According to legends, he was possessed by the very spirit of the field and harvest, called Veles This sheaf was respected by the pagans: it was dressed up in an elegant sundress and a cotton scarf, and sometimes in a painted shirt He was seated at the table and thanked for the treats They also approached him with a request to protect future harvests
Also, several unharvested ears of corn were left on the field, which were braided and tied with a bright ribbon This was called "Veles beard curling" Salt and bread were placed in the “beard” So the pagans thanked Veles for teaching people agriculture The owners of the field prepared a meal consisting of porridge, richly flavored with butter, fresh honey, apples and scrambled eggs It was forbidden to eat beef, because one of the images of Veles is a bull They treated everyone who helped with the harvest Future harvests depended on the host's hospitality and hospitality Young people on the street organized festivities and games, dances and songs Women went to the compressed field and rolled around it, asking for women's health and a healthy pregnancy
Interestingly, the Spozhinka holiday is associated not only with the harvest In Ukraine, unmarried girls waited with bated breath for this day, because after it it was customary to send matchmakers From Ozhinok the “rowan nights” begin, when thunder and lightning frighten all living things According to the signs of the Slavs, the young Indian summer begins from this time After accepting Christianity on this day, the Slavs pray to the “Increase in Mind” icon and ask for help in their studies In churches, loaves baked from newly ground flour are blessed Blessed bread is considered healing