Spring Equinox

From time immemorial, humanity has lived in a strong connection with the laws of nature and the events occurring in itSpring Equinox One of these events is repeated annually on the 20th of March and is called the Vernal Equinox Scientists observe a phenomenon in the vault of heaven on this day when the sun, moving along the ecliptic, crosses the celestial equator And the sun's rays fall vertically on the earth's equator That is, the line dividing the illuminated and dark sides of the sun (terminator) runs perpendicular to the earth's equator Also on this day the astronomical year, the solar year and the Avestan calendar begin In all countries at this time, day and night are almost the same length Thus, there is a balance between light and darkness Astrologers believe that this is the best time to throw away what you don’t need and buy something new You should stay away from negative thoughts that may materialize Many cultures celebrate the equinox in their own way, but what unites them is that this day signifies the rebirth of nature and symbolizes renewal It is noteworthy that many nations celebrate New Year on this day Among the Slavs, the Vernal Equinox means the arrival of spring, and winter, in turn, gives way to it They honored the date of the spring equinox, when the days become longer and the night time shortens Also on this day, many people perform rituals to attract love, because spring is the best time for love affairs And our compatriots celebrate the spring equinox in company around the fire, organize outdoor games and simply rejoice at the arrival of spring The equinox occurs not only in spring, but also in autumn The difference between the spring and autumn equinoxes is that in March the sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and in September, on the contrary, returns to the southern

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