Autotomy is characteristic of geckos, spindles and lizards Throwing away the tail helps these representatives of reptiles escape from the enemy, sacrificing the least valuable part of the body After a couple of months, this spinal appendage grows back The main function of the tail is to participate in movement It helps lizards, crocodiles, monitor lizards and iguanas crawl, swim and balance on a vertical surface The tail of reptiles plays an important role in social behavior With its help, individuals send signals to other members of the population and communicate their intentions and mood
With a thing in life: During the divorce, he left all his property to his wife This is how a lizard throws off its tail to stay alive
“Tails” prevent a person from living like debts on exams and tests - a student You should get rid of unnecessary ballast that pulls to the bottom Apparently, this is the thinking behind the initiators of the Tail Drop Day celebration, which is celebrated on October 23
The phraseological unit “throw back your hooves” means going to your forefathers The phrase “throw away the tail” does not carry a negative connotation; on the contrary, it symbolizes entry into a new world Psychologists are convinced that the burden of the past prevents us from enjoying the present and living in the present moment - here and now The holiday of October 23 is an excellent occasion to get rid of everything unnecessary that poisons existence This could be a relationship that is depressing and not enjoyable, communication with toxic people who suck out energy and vitality
With a joke for life: Announcement: “Urgent!!! Who can lend a tail to a child for a matinee? Ready to buy We received an order for a squirrel costume online, but there is no tail”
Ballast on a ship is a necessary thing, especially when there is not enough payload Usually its role is played by intake water pumped into the onboard tanks, which is discharged before entering the port With the help of technical cargo, the ship changes speed, rolls and performs other maneuvers Life ballast in the form of depressing memories from the past or unfriendly people from the point of view of Buddhism and other religions is of great benefit Even the most unpleasant situations and encounters are good life lessons After a person has mastered them, it’s time to “throw the tail away” - leave the ballast overboard the ship before entering a new port
With a joke in life: What's the point of cutting off a student's tail? By the next session a new one will still grow
On October 23, you can part with both tangible objects, old clothes and other things that have been collecting dust in the closet or attic of the house for years, as well as with internal experiences These may be doubts about your own abilities, parental attitudes and their expectations that are not in tune with your life goals To say goodbye and easily part with everything superfluous that prevents you from moving forward, a funny holiday that has a deep philosophical meaning - Drop Your Tail Day - encourages you