On October 29, a funny holiday is celebrated - Talker's Day The fictional species of birds is a figment of the imagination of children's writer Kir Bulychev, who wrote the famous story "The Secret of the Third Planet" The film adaptation of the book was no less popular - a popular science cartoon filmed by director Roman Kachanov, the author of the famous "Cheburashka" and "Mittens" A distinctive feature of the talker, who was sheltered by the ushans, the inhabitants of the planet Blook, was the talent to reproduce sounds or words ever heard and to move in space The feathered one, which travelers Alisa Selezneva, her father and Captain Zeleny met, loved to praise himself, asserting: “The talker bird is distinguished by its intelligence and intelligence”
This is interesting: “The Secret of the Third Planet” was shown at the box office in many countries around the world His characters were dubbed at various times by James Belushi (voiced by the talker), Kristen Dunst, Jean Reno, Toto Cutugno, Hugh Laurie, Adriano Celentano (voiced by Gromozeka) and Hugh Grant
In honor of Talker's Day, fans of K Bulychev's work are re-reading books about Alice Selezneva and reviewing cartoons about her adventures, disassembled into quotes The artist Natalya Orlova, who drew the characters, was the writer's neighbor The prototype of Alice was her daughter Ekaterina, and Captain Green was the girl’s father The hardest thing for the artist was to come up with the appearance of Gromozeka Bulychev does not have a detailed description of this hero in his books Readers are only told that he resembles both an elephant and an octopus, can fly, has 3 hearts, 8 eyes and 10 tentacles N Orlova could not imagine the hero for a long time, but when she saw a tin can on the table, she came up with the idea that he would look like her
This is interesting: Govorun in Bulychev’s story is a “super parrot” with a crest and 2 beaks The artist painted only one tentacle for the bird, as well as 6 tentacles - Gromozeka It was technically difficult to depict 10 pieces and use them in stories with the character
For Talker's Day, it is recommended to learn a couple of tongue twisters, or better yet, cast a real monument In the center of Vologda, near the university building, an iron sculpture was installed in honor of the character in K Bulychev’s story The author was master blacksmith Artem Marshak, who created a monument to the talker for City Day
In 2021, the animated film “The Secret of the Third Planet” turned 40 years old All his characters, even the negative Veselchak and Glot, were loved by viewers from many countries around the world It is known that the talker bird is worth an entire zoo This hero evokes sympathy among most connoisseurs of K Bulychev’s work Therefore, in honor of the funny cartoon character, a holiday is celebrated every year on October 29 - Talker Day