Teddy Bear Day in Russia is celebrated annually on November 19th This is a symbol of warmth, joy, comfort, tenderness That is why it is present in almost any children's room Even adults often buy each other these soft cuties as gifts as a memento of halcyon times Thanks to this, this toy has received such close attention and has its own birthday
According to many, this holiday appeared during the time of Theodore Roosevelt This is an American president who ruled at the beginning of the 20th century He loved hunting One day, on his next trip, he was given a small bear cub to be shot He was caught in advance and tied to a tree The President refused to shoot, ordering his release, thereby saving the beast
This news spread throughout the country The owner of a candle shop, originally from Russia, decided to sew a teddy bear in honor of such an event and name it after the president, having first asked permission This is how this still beloved toy appeared After its creation, it quickly gained popularity among people
Interesting Facts:
Most of the planet's inhabitants associate the most pleasant memories from childhood or adulthood with this soft creature Many fell asleep with him or are still sleeping with him He deserves that people celebrate his birthday every year, remembering his significance in their destiny
When this holiday arrives, it is worth purchasing another teddy bear if a person is a collector of these beautiful and cute toys You can make this a tradition by adding to your family every year If a person is not a collector, then on this day it is simply worth giving each other these cuties, at least small ones, in order to remind them of their significance and warmth in our lives