February 20 is World Day of Social Justice The memorial date was established by the General Assembly of the United Nations (resolution No A/RES/62/10 of December 18, 2007) The birth of a new international memorial date was initiated by Kurmanbek Bakiev, the President of Kyrgyzstan
The history of the formation of the holiday is associated with the Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development, adopted at the 1995 World Summit Heads of state then for the first time discussed problems studied by sociologists and tried to find ways to combat social injustice
At the same time, at such a high level, it was recognized that social isolation, unemployment, and poverty do not make it possible to ensure the security of people either in the world as a whole or in a single state, and the fight against social injustice is impossible without the social development of the entire world community
The founders of the new date assumed that this day would contribute to the creation of social, legal, economic, and cultural conditions conducive to the desired development of humanity
The international community first celebrated this day in 2009 All over the world, every year on February 20, issues of social justice are considered and resolved at meetings at various levels World-class politicians, government officials, veterans and progressive youth representing various organizations take part in them
The events held on this day are designed to raise problems affecting every inhabitant of the planet, both those who live in rich developed countries and those who exist where poverty, drug addiction, and disease flourish
This day encourages people to pay attention to the quality of education, medical care, the level of safety of the surrounding reality, and attitude towards those whose capabilities are limited by physical or mental health
Social justice presupposes equality for everyone: for women - the right to hold public office on an equal basis with men; for men – permission to raise children; for children - sufficient starting opportunities that provide a chance for life, health, education, a good profession, and a decent salary; for older people - a guarantee of a safe, prosperous old age; for people with disabilities - an accessible environment that allows them to live a fruitful, full life
The Copenhagen Declaration, signed by the highest government officials of UN member countries, declared obligations to create economic, social, political, legal, and cultural conditions conducive to the social development of people
Undoubtedly, the creation of favorable conditions depends on government officials, on many factors, the change and improvement of which is difficult for people not burdened with power to influence
But is each of us so helpless, small and insignificant that we are unable to improve this world, to do anything for our family, so that this unit of society, as defined by the Copenhagen Declaration, plays a major role in social development, becomes more prosperous and happy? ?
Is it not within our power to become kinder and more attentive to children, the disabled, the elderly, and each other? Let’s think about this today, and then the world will definitely change for the better, and the fight against injustice will become easier