Every year since 1993, a spring holiday is celebrated on March 22 - World Water Day, World Water Day This was announced by the United Nations General Assembly On this day, various events dedicated to the conservation of water resources are held, such as exhibitions, excursions, lectures, conferences aimed at the rational use of fresh water To show the versatility of water resources, each year these events are dedicated to a specific theme and are held under different mottos In Russia, Water Resources Day was celebrated for the first time in 1995 The motto was: “Water is life” This is an opportunity to once again remind people that water resources are very important for society and the environment, to draw attention to the need for such wealth, to pay attention to the condition of water bodies and their protection, and to think about the role of water on Earth for every person To achieve positive results, you need to turn words into commitments, actions, attract governments and people of all countries to this problem, inform people about how important it is to protect and conserve water resources, take all kinds of measures and solve the problems of the population of those countries where there is a lack of drinking water water
The most valuable natural resource on the planet is water A person cannot live without water The population is growing, and the amount of water consumed is growing And fresh water reserves in the world are not increasing Scientists have calculated that if fresh water is not used rationally, then by 2030 half of the world's population will experience water shortages Water production will be 40% lower than demand, and fresh water shortage will be the most important problem
Russia ranks second in terms of water resources These are rivers, lakes, underground waters Lake Baikal contains 95% of the country's fresh water Water is used everywhere: in industry, agriculture, housing and communal services, in any production On average in Russia, 302 thousand cubic meters per year are spent per person Every day a person needs 20 liters of water to drink, eat, and wash It must be remembered that water resources are not limitless The life of each of us depends on the quality and quantity of water This is a global problem Everyone should understand that water resources must be protected