The symbol of doctors in the USA is the red carnation flower; it was these cards that were first decided to be sent to all doctors back in March of 1933 Then not many people took part in the action - the wife of Dr Charles Elmond suggested organizing gratitude to doctors for their work and self-sacrifice, and since then, every year, on March 30, more and more doctors, grateful patients, relatives of both take part in the action It must be said that this date was recognized as National Doctor's Day relatively recently - in the 90s of the last century, by the US Congress
The date March 30 was not chosen by chance; on this day, in 1842, Dr Crawford W Long performed the first operation in the world under ether anesthesia This operation made a real revolution in saving patients - because it opened up many possibilities in surgery, anesthesia, and therefore gave the opportunity to restore health to many patients It was this day that became symbolic for US doctors
And if earlier it was more of a family and traditional day, when doctors and their patients exchanged congratulations and thanks in a close circle, now it is a fairly large-scale event that is held at the state level Thus, every year on March 30, concerts and forums are held for doctors throughout the country, and famous representatives of the profession are certainly remembered, as well as those who laid down their lives for the benefit of protecting and restoring the health of the population
Thus, the profession of a doctor in the USA is revered by the majority of citizens of the country, because in the course of life it is impossible not to use the services of people of this profession Appreciating their work, respecting their altruism and desire to help others, helping to fight the problems that arise in healthcare - this is what we are encouraged to think about on National Doctors Day in the USA After all, the work of a doctor is a rather risky job that saves the lives of others, sometimes at the expense of the health of the doctors themselves We should never forget about this, for example, when accusing doctors of cynicism or rigidity If these people pass all the emotional and physical suffering of their patients through themselves, their level of emotional burnout will be exceeded within a very short time after entering the profession