What is the unluckiest day of the year? Lovers of omens who are afraid of black cats and women with empty buckets will unanimously say that this is “Friday the Thirteenth” The worst day is when it’s dangerous to even leave the house - a brick will definitely fall on your head or your heel will get stuck in the drainage grate Is this day really so dangerous and where did the assumption come from that bad luck triumphs on Friday, which falls on the 13th of any month?
Many researchers agree that Friday, which falls on the 13th, became unlucky only at the beginning of the last century 13 doesn't stand out in any way from other integers, but that's according to mathematicians Ordinary people give it a certain sacred meaning, due to the huge number of superstitions and myths that surround it In our country, 13 are called the “devil’s dozen” Some researchers suggest that the number received its terrible name because of the Last Supper, which, as we all remember, was attended by thirteen people - Jesus Christ and his twelve disciples
You probably don’t need to tell anyone what happened after that One of the diners died on Friday, so subsequently, when thirteen people gathered at one table, a fourteenth guest was specially invited According to superstition, if this is not done, then one of those present will definitely die within a year
Many later, the myth spread that Satan, before his overthrow from heaven, was the thirteenth angel This version has quite a lot of supporters, but it is not confirmed in ancient treatises Dennitsa was the first, most beautiful and beloved angel of God, who believed that he could become equal to him, for which he paid There are also legends that on the 13th Eve ate an apple, and Cain killed Abel
Some associate the notoriety of Friday, which falls on the 13th, with the Knights Templar It ceased to exist immediately after the order for the arrest of all participants, which the French king announced on Friday, October 13, 1307 Others associate the fatal number with the coming apocalypse, when the end of the world will come There are many different pseudo-teachings and predictions on this topic For some peoples, the number 12 was sacred, and the 13 that followed it was associated with the unknown and danger Although there are many versions and there is no consensus on why everyone hates the number 13 so much, one thing is clear - the roots of this phenomenon should be sought in religious prejudices
The fear of Friday the thirteenth has reached alarming proportions and become a mass phenomenon In some houses, the numbering of floors is broken so that no one lives on the thirteenth For example, immediately after the 12th floor there may be 14 or “12+1” Some hotels resort to the same tricks, but with room numbers Many ships do not have thirteen cabins, and many aircraft do not have thirteen rows
As many people know, people who put their lives at serious risk are very superstitious, so shipping and airlines can be somewhat understandable One can also be sympathetic to athletes who understand perfectly well that much in competitions is decided not only by their talent and skills, but also by luck However, there are many examples in history when, for example, football players wore T-shirts with the number 13 and at the same time achieved great success
Fear of the number 13 is a Western phenomenon It even has its own medical name - triskaidekaphobia But in Asian countries, no one is afraid of the number 13, because here they have their own terrible number 4 and the tetraphobia associated with it The fact is that the hieroglyph with which it is designated is read almost the same way as the hieroglyph for “death” The only difference is in the tones What to do on Friday, which falls on the 13th, is up to everyone to decide for themselves You can lock yourself at home and sit within four walls all day, but if luck has decided to turn its back on you, no locked doors or closed windows will help avoid the consequences of losing its favor